This Renovation Services Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into as of [insert date] by and between [insert customer name] whose address is located at [insert address] (“Customer”) and XXXX Renovations whose place of business is...
This Partnership Agreement (“Agreement”) is made on [DATE] by and between XXXX with a mailing address of [ADDRESS], and KKKK, with a mailing address of [ADDRESS], collectively referred to as the “Partners”, to establish a partnership in the...
This XXXX Beneficiary Agreement (“Agreement”) is made between [Beneficiary’s Name], the recipient of Medicaid services (“Beneficiary”), and [Your Company’s Name], the provider of Medicaid services (“Provider”). Services Provided Provider shall provide Medicaid...
THIS AGREEMENT is hereby entered into on this ………………day of …….……………. Two Thousand and …………………………… BETWEEN [Name of Rental Car Business] with and address of [insert address] hereinafter referred to as (“the Lessor”) AND [Name of...
THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered this _____ day of ___________, XXX by and between XXXX, (the “Contractor”) and YYYY (the “Client”), located at JJJJ. WHEREAS, the Contractor is in the business of performing exhibitions of fireworks and herby certifies that it...
THIS AGREEMENT is hereby entered into on this ………………day of …….……………. Two Thousand and …………………………… BETWEEN 1.[insert your name] hereinafter referred to as (the “Partner A”) AND [insert partner’s name] hereinafter referred to as...
This Independent Contractor Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into and made effective as of [date], by and between VVVV a Delaware Corporation having its principal place of business is [address] (“Company”), and [Sales Executive’s...
I want to file a motion for new trial. Please, edit, omit, rearrange, or add any applicable law in the document. I added some references along with other supporting documents.
Hi, I am in the middle of buying a house. The owner and I have a pre-existing relationship, and they are doing us a solid by selling the house for a decent amount lower than they could ask. We are attempting to complete this process with no realtors/agents involved....
We are looking to hire someone to form a report of complete litigation and property ownership history of an individual and the company s/he is associated with But please understand that the main address for the individual and his/her company would be in Alameda...