policy research paper

Hi Philip, was wondering if you could write a policy research paper for me. It is based on the New Zealand government so does require a bit of research. The research paper is 2500 words. Let me know if you can and I will provide more information

lease agreement

Hello I need to revise a lease agreement between landlord and a company the contract have 30 pages arround, how much and delivery time ?

petition to New Your State Appellate Court

Hello, I plan to petition to New Your State Appellate Court for a qualification to sit for the New York Bar Examination. I was denied due to the deficiency of the credit hour I received in my bachelor of law degree (foreign legal education). I have drafted the...

motion to appear

Hi I need a motion to appear drafted. I’m going through a divorce in Cook county, Illinois. The petition & response have been filed but there’s no movement on his end. I’m hoping this moves things along.My main goal is to just get him into court so we can move...


Good afternoon.  I am a Pro Se litigant and I need to submit a summons to the Alachua County Federal Courts to all defendants named in the lawsuit. I need the document by 12:00 pm Monday

appellant brief preparation for the federal court

Hi. I need legal document preparation done, appellant brief preparation for the federal court. Please respond back to me ASAP and quickly. Thanks. Brandon This is an 5 th circuit court of appeals civil case. I need to submit my appellant brief to the court next...


This Rental Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into on [date of signing] by and between [LANDLORD’S NAME], hereinafter referred to as “Landlord,” and [TENANT’S NAME], hereinafter referred to as “Tenant.”...


This Non-Disclosure Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is made between TSACACH LLC (hereinafter referred to as the “Contractor”) and ______________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Sub-Contractor”). Together referred to as “parties”. The parties...


THIS AGREEMENT is hereby entered into on this ………………day of …….……………. Two Thousand and ……………………………  BETWEEN 1.[Your Company Name], a California registered business, with its address at [Address] hereinafter referred to as (“Agency”)...


THIS AGREEMENT is hereby entered into on this ………………day of …….……………. Two Thousand and …………………………… BETWEEN 1.[insert bank name], a banking institution registered under the laws of Kenya hereinafter referred to as (“the Bank”) AND...