motion for Discover and Carmax

Answer the motion for Discover and Carmax. I have uploaded my complaints that I have sent in and their Motion to Dismiss. Discover Financial Services is listed on my consumer report so that is the reason they are on the complaint

letter of understanding

I would like a standard letter of understanding between two parties to work on an M&A transaction together. I would like this written in plain english and be <= 3 pages including the signature page.


“Program”: the audiovisual project currently entitled: BRIDAL MESS (wt) For good and valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged), I irrevocably grant to BRIDAL MESS, LLC, its parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, agents,...


STATE OF XXX IN THE XXX CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF XXX XXX Plaintiffvs. XXX XXX Defendants COMPLAINTCase No. ____________   XXXX There is no other pending or resolved civil action arising out of the transaction or occurrence alleged in the...


Plaintiff’s Name ADDRESS 1 ADDRESS 2 Phone: XXX Plaintiffs, pro se SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF XXX COUNTY OF XXXX   NAME; Plaintiff, v. NAME. Defendant Case No.: _____________ VERIFIED COMPLAINT FOR BREACH OF  PROMISSORY NOTE COMES NOW, Plaintiff, Some Name...


XXXX Street Address City, State  Zip Phone Number (with area code) Fax Number (If applicable) Email Address (If applicable) Defendant in pro per IN THE SEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR VOLUSIA COUNTY, XXXX STATE OF XXX,Prosecution, vs. BROOKS MCLEAN MITCHELL,...

Privacy Policy

This document constitutes our Privacy Policy. At Rafaella Pedroso/RF Headshot, we understand the importance of safeguarding your personal information. This Privacy Policy serves as a comprehensive document that stipulates the manner in which we collect, utilize,...

Guest Release Form

Guest Release Form   GUEST: _________________________________________________________   PHONE: _________________________________________________________   APPEARANCE DATE: ______________________________________________   Ownership of Rights: The...


I am writing in response to your inquiry about the steps your ex-wife must take to resign from the two corporations in which she is currently involved, with a specific focus on mitigating any potential liability. Please note that this legal opinion is based on the...


CIVIL DISTRICT COURT FOR THE PARISH OF XXXX STATE OF XXXX No. ________________ DIVISION: CIVIL   XXXXX, versus LIONEL LON BURNS FILED: ________________                                        DEPUTY CLERK: _____________     PETITION FOR DAMAGES NOW INTO COURT comes...