The issue herein is on teenagers and social media.

Social media use among teenagers have substantial negative impacts as compared to the positive impacts. Social media has played a big role in distracting teenagers, disrupting their sleep, exposing them to online bullying, spreading of rumors which may be detrimental to them, unrealistic perception of body image and subsequently peer pressure.  


By passing this bill, there will be regulatory measures taken in bid to safeguard the mental well-being of teenagers. This bill in particular shall have the provisions that will restrict some uses and access to teenagers. The approach that the bill will take will be almost similar to Skill based gaming laws.


This bill will aid in minimizing mental health issues and subsequently help teenagers live a healthy life away from the influence of social media.  


Social media is a tool that is meant to bring people together mostly in terms of ideas. These ideas are spread across different disciplines therefore limiting access may also limit exposure to ideas.


However, the mental wellness of a human especially a young person is detrimental not only to self but also to the community.

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