Alec R. Kochan

17016 E Indiana Ave # C307

Spokane Valley, WA 99016-8529

Claimant ID: 3PQHTX


Employment Security Department

Washington State

P.O. Box 9046, Olympia, WA 98507

To Whom It May Concern,


My name is Alec R. Kochan, a resident of the State of Washington. I am writing to appeal the decision made by the Employment Security Department in a letter dated 04/30/2021. In that letter, the Department informed me that it would no longer be paying me unemployment benefits. The Department also stated that it would no longer pay me benefits for any week I work 20 hours or more. In addition, the Department stated that I owe $4,763.00. 

The Department’s decision was informed by information from my doctor that I can work no more than 20 hours weekly. I have not received such information from my doctor. The Department has not provided documentation to prove that my doctor provided it with the said information.

I would like to submit that I’m eligible for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance. The criteria for eligibility is whether one is unemployed for a Covid-19 related reason outlined in section 2102(a)(3)(A)(ii)(I) of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act. The reasons include if:

  • The individual has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or has COVID-19 symptoms and is seeking a diagnosis;
  • A member of the individual’s household has been diagnosed with COVID-19;
  • The individual is providing care for a family or household member diagnosed with COVID-19;
  • A person over whom the individual has primary caregiver responsibility (like a child) cannot attend school because of COVID-19;
  • The individual cannot reach their place of employment because of quarantine related to COVID-19;
  • The individual cannot reach their place of employment because of a health professional’s advisement of self-quarantine due to COVID-19;
  • The individual was scheduled to start employment and does not have job or cannot reach their job because of COVID-19;
  • The individual has become the primary breadwinner in their household because the previous household breadwinner has died from COVID-19;
  • The individual has quit their job as a direct result of COVID-19;
  • The individual’s place of employment is closed because of COVID-19; or
  • The individual meets subsequent criteria laid out by the Secretary of Labor.

I am eligible as I’m unable to reach my place of employment because of a health professional’s advisement of self-quarantine due to Covid-19. I was advised by my doctor to limit my exposure in the workplace. I was also advised to maintain social distancing and limit my interaction with coworkers and clients. I have attached the letter from my doctor advising me to do so. The situation is out of my control. I was and continue to be a fulltime employee.

I continue to be eligible for unemployment benefits. I respectfully request the Employment Security Department to revoke the letter dated 04/30/2021 as well as the subsequent implications such as debt of $4,763.00 and further collection of my benefits.

Thank you for taking time to read this letter. I hope to receive a positive response from you.

Respectfully Submitted,


Alec R. Kochan

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