Equifax Data Breach Settlement
c/o JND Legal Administration
PO Box 91318
Seattle, WA 98111-9418
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Lindsey Woolever, and I write this letter to you in reference to a claim I initially filed with
your institution. This letter is also pursuant to the leeway of disputing the determination of the
institution on my claim through an appeal in writing by October 21, 2022. The basis of the claim
was the compromise of the Equifax data hence breach. I have spent several years attempting to
fix my credit and deal with the resultant fraud and identity theft cases. Nonetheless, my claim has
been denied.
I received a notice from the institution that the claim was incomplete because I did not provide
documentation in support of my claim. The notice also alternatively claimed that the
documentation I provided was insufficient to allow the institution confirm that what I claimed
was fairly traceable to the Equifax Data Breach and/or does not support the dates that I claimed
money spent or the amount of money claimed. The notice expressly stated as follows:
You filed an Initial Claims Period claim for money spent and time spent in connection
with the Equifax Data Breach Settlement.
We sent you a notice that your claim was incomplete because you did not provide
documentation in support of your claim or because the documentation you provided was
insufficient to allow us to confirm that what you claimed was fairly traceable to the
Equifax Data Breach and/or does not support the dates you claimed money spent or the
amount of money claimed. You may wish to refer to the Incomplete Claim Notice
previously issued to you.
You responded to that notice but the documentation you provided did not resolve the
reasons your claim was incomplete. As a result, your Equifax Data Breach Settlement
claim(s) have been denied.
The time spent portion of your claim has been approved.
You may dispute this determination by submitting an appeal in writing by October 21,
2022. To submit your appeal via the Settlement Website, click here.
You may also submit your appeal by mail postmarked by October 21, 2022. Please make
sure to include your full name, mailing address, and Claim Number and mail it to:
Equifax Data Breach Settlement
c/o JND Legal Administration
PO Box 91318
Seattle, WA 98111-9418”
SECOND NOTICE (dated the 23 rd day of June 2022):
“Your Claim Number: P4Y9VCLTBA
Dear Lindsey Woolever:
You filed a claim for money spent in connection with the Equifax Data Breach Settlement.
Your claim is incomplete because documentation you provided in support of your claim
does not allow the Settlement Administrator to confirm that what you claimed was fairly
traceable to the Equifax Data Breach and/or does not support the dates you claimed
money spent or amount of money claimed in whole or in part for the following reasons:
Money Spent
The documentation provided does not add up to the total amount of the claimed money
The documentation does not contain the claimant’s full name.
The documentation supports something not covered under the Settlement and/or show
another family member or someone else incurred the cost.
You must submit additional documentation to complete your claim by July 25, 2022.
If you do not provide additional documentation as requested above, your claim for money
spent will be denied in whole or in part without further communication from the
Settlement Administrator.
The documentation you submit must show your name, the date, where the documentation
is from, what happened and how much you lost or spent.
Written statements by you describing the money you lost or spent are not enough to
support your claim except to explain other documents you submit.
Please add your Claim Number (provided above) to all additional documents you submit.
Please only send copies of documents.”
The notice implied that the Institution was informing me that the information I was giving them
had nothing to do with Equifax Data Breech. However, the institution could not tell me with
certainty what information was breached in the first place. For instance, my license has been
used and I have gotten tickets in the mail from Florida yet I live in California.
I then responded to the notice but still the institution insisted that the documentation I provided
did not resolve the reasons I claimed were incomplete. Resultantly, the Equifax Data Breach
Settlement claim(s) was denied. I was also informed that the time spent portion of the claim had
been approved. I was also accorded the chance to dispute the determination by submitting an
appeal in writing by October 21, 2022 via the Settlement Website hence the drafting of this
appeal letter.
I also have numerous U-Haul bills sent to me because someone used my information to rent a
storage unit rent a truck then crash a truck then I had detectives come to my house because
someone was using my license to steal cars. They also went my mum’s house ended up arresting
the wrong culprit. Moreover, I’ve had my taxes filed fraudulently yet the institution still claims
that my data has not been breached. Since then, I have procured the legal services of two
attorneys yet they scooped all my returns, closed my accounts and placed a lien on the rest of my
property. This has compelled me to close all my accounts.
The institution undertook to reimburse me for any credit monitoring or fixing any out-of-pocket
expenses dealing with my taxes yet the same has not been done. Moreover, I have shared with
the institution all my bank statements demonstrating the changes made on the credit monitoring
services. Thus, I do not understand why the reasoning provided in the notice does not verify my
In light of the preceding unfortunate turn of events and subsequent denial of my claim I beseech
this Data Breach Settlement Tribunal to take the following issues into consideration when
hearing the appeal:
i) That my claim for data breach be reconsidered.
ii) That Equifax Data Breach serves me with information on the data breached.
iii) That the institution establishes and traces the culpable persons for the breach and
identity theft.
iv) That the institution restores my system and strengthens the security of my personal
information from external breach.
v) Any other reliefs the institution deems fit to grant.
Dated…………day of October 2022
Respectfully Submitted,
Lindsey Woolever.
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