SUBJECT: Analysis of the perspective of internal organizational structure.

Greetings Ms. Stanton,


Following the project, ‘The Blackstone Project,’ which is intended to alter regulatory focus entailed in the federal law on carrying out of inspections and enforcement, this memorandum contains vital aspects as to the major management problem you will face and how best to address the issue. Additionally, this memo will mention the advantages of DEP of the pre- existing approach to inspections, advantages of integrating inspections, influential factors leading to the proposed change to an integrated inspection system, how technological factors make it difficult to achieve the integrated inspections system and lastly specific recommendations on how to motivate key players to implement the Blackstone project. As an extension of the recommendation, a description of an action plan shall conclude this task.


For the first issue on the major management problem, the prime hindrance is the lack of coordination among departments that deal with environmental management. Prior to this project, the federal law embodied a system that allowed the different departments to run independently. This therefore encouraged specialization of duty therefore creating resistance of the project which calls for the conglomeration of the different once independent departments. To address this issue, it is prudent to sensitize all departments of the importance of the coalition. All specialists can still assume their roles not independently but as one department since the goal is one; reduction of environmental pollution.

The second issue on the advantages of DEP of the pre- existing approach to inspections focuses mostly on the expertise of supervisory inspectors. These are individuals who have devoted their careers to mastering the complex scientific and technical issues and equally complex web of federal and state law for a medium- specific program. This approach was centered on the maximizing of expert skills in all mediums since it’s easier to grasp the needs of one medium as compared to all mediums. The resistance by most officials is based on convenience rather than substantive issues affecting the environment.

Integrating the inspections will however be more effective because of the current practices in the regulation of waste. According to Roy, a review of companies showed the inefficiency of the environmental department in the management of environmental hazards. This is because of the media transfers which is either done by companies or the different media departments. This has led to increased pollution since some Companies take advantage of the weak regulatory system. Separating the inspection teams has proven to be ineffective that is why cross-media inspection will address the insufficiency by ensuring that compliance with one medium do not create pollution in another. Cross-media inspection is aimed at acquainting inspectors with the full range of a facility’s production system. The independence of the regulatory management has therefore caused more harm and defied the purpose of the regulatory management which is to preserve the environment by regulating waste in the respective media. Integration will therefore negate pollution shell game and introduce accountability and effective management of substances that cause environmental pollution.

The factors that steer the integration of the independent mediums include;

  • Addressing potholes in the inspection system that allow some companies to get away with environmental pollution due to pollution shell game.
  • Embarking on the mission of the department which is to ensure the environment is protected from excessive waste products in all media.
  • Holding corporations accountable for environmental hazards and subsequently enhancing creativity among corporations in waste disposal and minimization methods.
  • Addressing source reduction and media transfer issue.

Technological factors are likely to cause difficulties in the implementation of integrated inspections. These technological factors such as those that fall under the category of tasks that are interdependent may hinder the independence of the various departments therefore causing difficulties if the departments are made to work under one department. As mentioned earlier in this work, the independence of the different media in their inspections encouraged specialization career wise therefore convincing the departments to adopt cross-media may prove challenging.

Recommendations on how to motivate key players to implement the Blackstone project.

Majoring on the main reason for resistance, the motivator for key players is by addressing the issue on experts who have invested much in their career in the study of only one medium. Spelling out the mission and addressing the potholes is also a way to motivate them to join in the project.

The correct way to get departments within an organization working together effectively is to structure respective work tasks by intensity of interdependence, and then manage each of those interdependencies with different coordination methods.

For example, a pooled interdependency requires standardization in rules and operating procedures, while the coordination methods for the other two interdependencies are slightly more flexible. A sequential interdependency is managed through mildly adaptive planning and scheduling, while reciprocally interdependent departments are managed through constant information sharing and mutual adjustments.

Recommendation of an action plan

The major issue that causes resistance is in regards to specificity of the education on the different media which created expertise. In this regard, environmental education is paramount. The integration must not denote the ability of every expert to venture on all the other areas of expertise but rather the integration should be focused on helping in the reduction of pollution of the environment by ensuring that cross media is implemented. During the inspections, the different experts can team up and jointly carry out their various mandates while under the umbrella of one department.


In conclusion, of importance to note is that the key actors, despite their opposition, are needed for the implementation of project to be successful. Blackstone Project is aimed at maximizing conservation of the environment by preventing pollution rather than treating or controlling pollution therefore it is wise if we have the officials onboard the project.