<Print on your business letterhead>



Private and confidential

<Insert employee’s full name>
<Insert employee’s residential address>


Dear <insert name>


RE: Termination of employment

I am writing to you about the termination of your employment with <insert company name>


I refer to our conversation at [insert date and time] and confirm that [insert name of employer] (the Company) wishes to terminate your employment with effect on [insert date].

The reasons for the termination of employment are as follows:

  • [Detail reasons].

The Company will satisfy you entitlements to notice and unused leave, as well as ensure the requisite superannuation contributions are made.

I remind you of your continuing obligations to keep confidential all information that is confidential to the Company and/or its clients and staff. Additionally, your employment contract contained provisions that will survive this termination such as the non-compete clause, ownership and assignment clause, non- solicitation clause, and any other clause relevant to this termination letter.  If you have any queries please contact [insert details of contact person].


Yours sincerely, 


[Insert name]


[Insert title]


At Legal writing experts, we would be happy to assist in preparing any legal document you need. We are international lawyers and attorneys with significant experience in legal drafting, Commercial-Corporate practice and consulting. In the last few years, we have successfully undertaken similar assignments for clients from different jurisdictions. If given this opportunity, we will be able to prepare the legal document within the shortest time possible.