Addendum in Support of VAWA Petition

In support of the Petition, the Petitioner avers as follows:

  1. She was validly married to William Wells (the abuser).

Petitioner submits that she and the abuser had a valid marriage. Notably, she lived with the abuser and engaged sexually with him as husband and wife. Petitioner has pertinent evidence, including text messages to show this Court that indeed a valid marriage existed between the abuser and the Petitioner. 

  1. The Petitioner lived with the abuser

The Petitioner avers that she lived with the abuser (when he was alive) at his home in [ENTER ADDRESS]. The couple lived at the said residence for [ENTER DURATION].

  1. The Abuser abused the Petitioner

The Petitioner experienced incidences of abuse while in the marriage with the abuser. The particulars of abuse are as follows:

  1. The abuser fraudulently lied to his children via an email that he was not having intercourse with the Petitioner and that he married the Petitioner solely for immigration reasons. 
  2. The abuser lied to the Petitioner about his health. 

It is worth noting that the Petitioner has sufficient evidence to ascertain the veracity of all allegations herein. 

  1. The Petitioner is of good moral character

The Petitioner avers that she has no moral flaws that would impede this Petition. Further, at no point did the Petitioner engage in any conduct that necessitated the abuser’s acts of abuse alleged herein. 

In conclusion, the Petitioner invites this institution to invite Petitioner to proof of every allegations herein.  

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