The defendants have been unable to pay their rent on time. Ms. Jennifer T. explained to me that she was in a tight place financially as she had been let go from her previous job. However, she promised to pay the rent as soon as she found the money. In good faith, I tried to grant them additional time to pay their rent but they have not been able to do so. 

Through Ms. Jennifer T., the defendants suggested to me to allow someone else, a Mr. Danny, to move into the property. I agreed to that. As a matter of fact, I agreed to waive the defendants’ pending rent arrears. I got into communication with Mr. Danny who promised to pay an amount of $3,000 as rent and deposit on the property. Unfortunately for the defendants, Mr. Danny did not make the payment as agreed. The defendants have left me with no option but to exercise my rights under the law of the State of Georgia.

Ga. Code Ann. § 44-7-50(a) states as follows: “In all cases when a tenant holds possession of lands or tenements over and beyond the term for which they were rented or leased to such tenant or fails to pay the rent when it becomes due and in all cases when lands or tenements are held and occupied by any tenant at will or sufferance, whether under contract of rent or not, when the owner of such lands or tenements desires possession of such lands or tenements, such owner may, individually or by an agent, attorney in fact, or attorney at law, demand the possession of the property so rented, leased, held, or occupied.”

The reason that I want to evict the defendants from my property is because of their failure to pay rent. I am under the impression that they will not pay rent if they continue to reside on my property. I hereby request this Court to grant me an order stipulating the eviction of the defendants from my property. Thank you.

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