








I, Charles Ryan Millington, submit this personal statement to the court. The purpose of this letter is to explain the circumstances that led to the filing of the referenced case. Accordingly, your Honor, please note that this letter’s object seeks to paint a clear and objective picture of the events that led to the filing of the case. 



Meeting and Marrying the Claimant. 

On or about July 2017, I met my Ex in Japan while travelling the country. I then went to Korea to visit her, and we travelled around Korea together. After a couple of weeks, I returned to the UK and invited her to come and visit me. At that time, I was living at my grandmother’s house, so before she arrived, I rented an apartment so we could stay together in September of 2017. 

I paid for all expenses for the apartment, and she only brought some food here and there. This put a financial strain on me which led to me having to take out an IVA. At that time, I was excited and glad to have finally found the love of my life. Therefore, I was determined to sacrifice everything and give my best to my ex-wife. 

In January 2018, she told me she was pregnant. At the time, she did not want to keep the baby and she asked me to take her to an abortion clinic. Due to the deep love I had for her, I could hardly imagine the thought of doing away with our first child. Accordingly, I begged her no to get the abortion as my family are all Catholic and would not approve of it. She told me the only way she would keep the baby was if we got married. I gladly agreed to marry her and soon after, we told her parents. 

At the end of February, she returned to Korea to help with the planning for the wedding. At this time, it was only her mother who knew that she was pregnant because she was too scared of her father’s reaction if he found out. 


Moving to Korea. 

On or about March 25, 2018, I flew to Korea to meet her parents for the first time. I was excited that I was finally getting married to the lady I loved dearly. I then returned to England before returning to Korea to get married on May 5, 2018. After the honeymoon, I returned to England where I began to look for a home for us to live in. We looked at over thirty (30) different properties, and on August 13, 2018, we started the process to buy a house. Up until our son was born, we planned to live in England. Notably, my Ex always said to me that she wanted our child to grow up in England and get an English education. She always said she did not like the Korean education system and did not want our son studying till midnight every day and miss his childhood. Accordingly, my family and friends were all preparing for our return to England. 

On or about September 11, 2018, I changed my flight to Korea from the 14th to the 11th, because my ex-wife began experiencing labour. I did want to risk not being able to see my childbirth. The change of dates cost me an extra £350. A rush of excitement filled me as I was anxious to witness and see the birth of our child. I managed to arrive the night before she gave birth.  

On September 13, 2018, our son Alexander was born. These were one of the best moments of my life. We stayed at an after-care hospital for two (2) weeks so she could recover after giving birth. Unfortunately, my son had some problems with his lungs and had to be transferred to Samsung hospital in Masan where he stayed for six (6) days. At that time, my ex started showing suspicious signs. She only when to see Alexander two times! Notably, she went after I told her that she had to go, or I was going to start a big argument in front of her parents.  That notwithstanding, I went to the hospital every day to see him. 

Remaining in Korea. 

After the baby went to the hospital, my Ex told me she did not want to move to England anymore and that she wanted to live close to her parents because her dad we sick and could die soon. Her friend also told me the same. I felt dispirited because I had begun planning about our life in England. Besides, my Ex herself had earlier stated that she intended Alexander to live and study in England. Nevertheless, I tried to respect her opinion. I asked her how I could live in Korea, yet I could not speak Korean and knew nothing about Korean culture at the time. She said she would find me a job.

On the September 19, 2018, Alexander came back to the after-care hospital where the nurses looked after him most of the day and all night so that my Ex could rest. After a couple of days, we moved to an after-care centre where nurses looked after the baby and only called my ex for feeding. It is worth noting that my ex gives false allegations that she was always busy looking after the baby. In reality, we travelled around Changwon together while the nurses looked after the baby. She looked for jobs for me because I could not search Korean jobs sites myself. We looked for jobs together and it did not take long since there are a few places in Changwon that cook the sort of food that I was skilled in. Luckily, she found the place Jangyu-myeon, which was a new restaurant.

I always tried to be the perfect father and husband to my wife and son. On September 26th, we went to the lotte outlet together without the baby. We went to outlet again without the baby on September 30th. On September 6th, I went for lunch at the restaurant with her and her family, without the baby. On October 5th, we left the aftercare centre and moved in with her parents.

Between October 8th to 13th, I worked at the restaurant for a trial. I got on well with everyone and decided to take a job there. I had already resigned to the fact that our plans of staying in England would not work. 

On October 10, 2018, Murry Hay Solicitors completed the searches required for the purchase of the house we were buying in England. At which point I decided to give it a go in Korea. On October 14th, I flew back to England as I had already paid for the return flight due to the fact we planned to return to England after the baby was born. At this time, I worked at my job in England at Mallory court hotel then flew back to Korea on November 5th. Soon thereafter, on November 10th, I started work at the restaurant in Janyu-myeon. Initially, everything was going okay at first but then people started to leave, and the language barrier became a big problem and made it difficult to work there. 


Problems start to break out. 

On December 2, 2018, I stopped working in the restaurant in Jangyu-myeon. My ex stated that the reason for me leaving the restaurant was because I argued with the staff there, which is not true. My ex’s allegation really hurt me. I did not expect that from someone I loved and trusted wholly. The reality is that I was unable to talk with all the staff there, and while they understood that I could not speak Korean, they tried their best to help me. I also tried to learn as much as I could although it was uncomfortable to me.  It follows; when I left the restaurant, I still had a good relationship with all the staff. They even brought a Korean grammar book to help me learn Korean. I still talk with some of the staff from there and meet some of them. 

It then hit me hard that we had made a bad decision to remain in Korea. I spoke to my ex about it and she said she would find me work. On December 10th, I started work at the kindergarten.

When first started working at the kindergarten I asked my Ex-wife was it okay in Korea that I used her name she told me “No” I told to her I don’t like the fact that I’m working illegally in Korea This is not my country so if someone found out I might be deported, she told me the owner of the kindergarten told her he knows places that have done the same thing in the past so he doesn’t worry too much about it. 

On December 30th I flew to England to have my car returned and bring clothes back to Korea as I didn’t have a lot here as we didn’t plan to live in Korea, so I was never prepared for life in Korea. 

Returning on Saturday 5th January 2019. This week was the kindergarten’s winter vacation week.  

I spoke to my ex at this time about going back to university so I could get my Bachelor’s degree and applied for CUFS university in Korea in which I started in March 2019.

When I returned I said to my Ex I didn’t like the fact we were living at her parent’s house and I wanted to get our place, she asked her parents if we could borrow money to get a place and they agreed, well in truth I don’t know what she said to them as I don’t understand Korean. Her parents gave us money to rent an apartment, and never to my understanding did they give a deadline to us about the money. I brought all the furniture in the apartment with no help from my wife, it was all money I earned. 


On may 5th  was our wedding anniversary I went out and brought a present and when I got home, In front of her parent she said she forgot and laughed, I wasn’t happy about it but I tried to understand. 

After we moved into our apartment she asked me to start doing private classes so we can bring in more money, I agreed thinking I was doing what was best for my family, that year I didn’t have any vacation or time to rest week in a 6 or 7 days a week. I asked her after Alexanders first birthday when would she be returning to work as at the time she told me she still recovering and needed more time I said okay, then after working in Korea for one year without taking any vacation and trying to adjust to a different culture I became sick from stress and on the 25th of December (Christmas day) A special holiday in my culture my Ex-wife left me alone to go have lunch with people we didn’t know. She later shares these pictures to show what a good time she had while her husband was unable to eat or see properly. I missed work and had to visit the hospital several times. 

 After about a week or so I got better, I told my Ex at this point she needed to find a job because I didn’t want to put myself in the position ever again. she applied for a job understand I was serious about the fact she needed to start working. 


March 2020, she started her new job at GE, just as Korea was going into lockdown, the kindergarten I was working at closed for 2 months, I looked after Alexander in this time and drove my ex to work and back most days because at the time she didn’t have the confidence to drive. At this time, I tried to start my own business and do some hobbies to keep myself busy. I spoke to my ex this time about not returning to work and waiting till after I finished university to return to work, I told her I would still keep my private classes so I could help with bills but she said no.

After my Ex got a job in March 2020, I tried to support her all I could by taking her to work and picking her up, and even help her with her English E-mails. At the start she only had had meeting once a week in the evenings, but after a while it became 3 nights a week for 1-2hr at which time I would look after Alexander by myself and put him to bed. Her meeting always started between 8pm and 9pm. Some nights I would arrive home after class at 8pm and have to look after my son without having time to eat. I never complained to about this I knew she had work to do but she never show me and appreciation and hearing that she said she was looked after the baby to help me adjust to life in Korea made me think was this helping? 


 May 5th was our second wedding anniversary, after two years of marriage my Ex-wife never brought anything or did anything for our wedding anniversary or my birthdays, she only asked that I work as much as possible sometimes leaving the home at 6:20 am and not getting home until almost 7p.m I hoped this year she wouldn’t forget, but she did and we had a big argument at this time in which we didn’t speak properly for a week. Asked why she didn’t want to spend money on our anniversary and she said we didn’t have money. This was a lie we had plenty of money we didn’t pay rent and I made a 3.5million or more before she started work then after we made over 7 million together. We argued a lot after that about money and why were we together. After this week we argued continually and started to separate 

I returned to work at the kindergarten. This was the first time I met 주영, I didn’t talk to her at first just gave her what information she needed to do her job and that’s it. I was busy doing my work, so I had no time to speak to the new teacher and I didn’t care what she had to say I thought she was just a kid. After a couple of weeks, she said to me did I know anyone who did private tutoring because her sister was looking for an English tutor. I told her I did tutoring and I gave her my number to give to her sister. After that, I started to tutor her sister. 

In June I and my ex didn’t talk that much in person and I started taking Alexander out alone.

Saturday 4th and 8th July 2020 I took Alexander out alone while my Ex was at home. 

in July we had an even bigger argument on my birthday 28th July, because I wanted to go out and do it but she said we didn’t have the money! I ask how we both work and don’t pay rent we make about 7 million between us and she didn’t want to buy anything for my birthday I couldn’t even go to the aquarium shop properly because she didn’t like the place. What wife tells her husband he can’t go to the aquarium shop on his birthday even though he didn’t want to buy anything. In July I started to talk with one of the new teachers whose name was Gina, she was divorced and lived with her daughter, because at this time I was starting to take Alexander out by myself I asked her if she would like to meet for lunch and then our kids could play together, she agreed and invited 주영 to come along. I was talking to 주영 at this time so it was uncomfortable for me when I found out she invited her. 

3rd of August I was only with my son alone and we when to the fire station. 

9th August I met Gina and 주영in Changwon for lunch and coffee then went straight home after the total time was about 5hr including driving. 

Monday 17th of August I looked after Alexander all day by myself, I asked my wife to join me but she said: “too far”. After a while he got hungry I contacted Gina to see if she wanted to have lunch after she said no I contacted주영 said she was with her friend and didn’t mind if I wanted to join them. At this point, I still only saw her as a colleague. 

21st August we meet at her friend’s house to talk about our relationship because she thought her friend would be on her side but at this time it wasn’t the case, we argued I went home leaving her there and then she returned home after midnight, I had to look after to baby and make sure he was asleep. As her parents was looking after him 


30th August 2020

I had to take my son to private class with me even though my Ex knew that I was going to be busy, as after class I planned to teach sandwich making with my student (Ellie) as I was a chef for over 10 years in England, then after class, I realized she didn’t have a proper kitchen and she wasn’t fully prepared so I invited her to the apartment where I could show her how to make sandwiches properly, she brought her sister with her (Julie) before going to the apartment I had to call and beg my ex to allow them to come. While I was in class Julie and her friend looked after my son and Ellie’s son while we did the lesson this was in the same room and I could see them the whole time. 

My ex-wife never showed any interest in anything I wanted to do or that didn’t make her money. She could have stayed home and talked with everyone but she chooses to leave making an uncomfortable situation. I told her that. 

After that, I told her we could be together anymore, because not only was she rude but rude to a client of mine, someone who paid me for my time. The first week of September we argued every day and I told her I wanted a divorce and no longer saw her as my wife. I didn’t feel like she cared about me, my health, my feelings. She only cared about money. From that day I did wear my wedding ring in public again. 


12th September 2020

I took Alexander out with me to see my friends from work we meet at 10:30 all had lunch together then I took him home at 5 pm. Then I went out with some work friends for drinks at this time I wasn’t wearing my wedding ring. After that, she spoke to some friends about us breaking up. after she told me she wanted to keep everything private until its finished. 

My Ex-wife went out for dinner with friends and never let me know what time she would return leaving me alone with our baby at home I always told her where I was and when I would return but she never had the decency to do the same in return. 

On the 15th of September, I asked Gina if she could talk to me in private, where I asked her about divorce in Korea. 


The next day I spoke with my boss about me getting a divorce.


26th of September I looked after my son all day by myself taking him out for food with my work colleagues and around jinhae so he could enjoy the sun, my Ex-wife didn’t help me get him ready or want to join in any of the day’s activities. My friends all brought their children so the kids could play together. This was a chance for my Ex to get to know the people I work with and help me communicate better with my friends but she didn’t join. 


Thursday 1st October 2020, I ate dinner alone with my son in the restaurant. 


After finishing my class on Friday, the 2nd October 2020 I took Alexander out alone, My Ex was not interested in coming for lunch with us. After lunch, I took a cake to the café so that the owner could try it for her menu. Some of 주영friends were there at that time, I was so tired I fell asleep on the table. That night I told my ex I wanted to move out. And I could stand living with her anymore. 


On 3rd October my Ex-wife posted this message on Instagram to let people know that things weren’t good in our relationship.  I never attended any counselling with my ex-wife or wanted to attend any with her. I told her we were to far gone for that she should have tried sooner. 

In between the 3rd and 6th, I sent emails to divorce lawyers. On the Chuseok holiday of 2020 my Ex stayed with her parents as we had argued over me moving out. Even though we didn’t talk I still looked after my son. He even stayed with me while she slept at her parents’ house. 


6th of October Mr Wonil Chung replied to my request for a divorce lawyer. I asked my ex to give me all my savings so I could pay for the lawyer but she refused, she then began to hid documents and stop me from taking Alexander out alone. I was unable to contract Mr Wonil Chung at this time because she wouldn’t release my money to me. She employed her lawyer and got a contract written up in just two weeks. She told me I had to sign it and move out, for someone who says she didn’t want a divorce she got a lawyer and contract fast. During this time I pursued a relationship with 주영, I came on to her first, at which point she told me no as I was still married. I told to her my wife has agreed to get a divorce and we will be starting everything soon. 

When we signed the contract she told me she knew I was seeing 주영, and that she did care what we did as our relationship was over because we were different people. She told me she knew what I had spoken to the lawyer about because she read my emails. That she had black box evidence and she could use it to make my life hell and hurt 주영. She told me if I wanted a clean divorce then sign the contract and leave. She told me she wouldn’t sue anyone if I signed the contract, when we signed the divorce agreement, she told to me that nothing was going to happen after, I told her if she tried to sue 주영 I would sue her back and not go through with the mediation. I sign the contract believing we had an agreement. 

In between signing the contract and moving out I still drove her to work and back except for two days where she told me to find my own way to work. 

moved out on the 14th of November. 

After I was able to find a place to live where I didn’t need a deposit. Even after I left, she was still trying to control my money. Which stopped me from being able to defend myself in court. Ever my ex admitted to me that I didn’t understand everything that was going on, and I’m just poor

30th December she made me close a saving account or she would give me my salary. As I still was under her name at the kindergarten. This was the last salary I got from kindergarten. I didn’t take anything from the house even though we agreed in person I could come back for whatever I needed 

27th January 2020 we went to court to complete the divorce, I tried to ask the court officers there about the contract but they were unable to help me because they could speak Korean.

I later found out my ex submitted her case against주영. My Ex has lied so many times to me I could never believe a word she says again, and I would ask the court to see her actions as evidence. 

That’s why she started to sue on the day before our court date so I wouldn’t find out until after agreeing with the divorce contract. My ex-wife knew that if I sued her, she would lose more money than me. That why she had me sign the agreement; I couldn’t get any help with the divorce due to my lack of ability to speak Korean. She knew this and admitted that I didn’t fully understand what was going on about our divorce.   




I guess the other email that I had sent you was not delivered to you.


What I need is a personal statement, not a memo.  The court requires the evidence should be in a testamentary statement format like a letter or a diary.  


I will submit your statement as an evidence and your 2nd memo will be attached to your statement in order to refute the ex’s claim one by one.


Your 1st memo covers most of the points that should be included in the personal statement.  So please use it and turn it into a statement format.


The points that should be included in your personal statement.


– When you met and married your ex

– Why you moved to Korea

– Why problems and hardship you experienced during the marriage

– When did the problems start to break out

– What you did to save the marriage

– Why she did to save the marriage

When the marriage came to an end and the reasons.  (The earlier the better)

– Why you didn’t finalize the divorce

– Why she didn’t finalized the divorce

– Please include every episodes between you and the ex that show your marriage ended before October, 2020.

– You told 주영 and friends that your marriage had already ended and the the ex also agreed to divorce.

– explanation of your relationship with 주영 (Especially you were not in a relationship with her before October, 2020).

– Ex’s reaction to see the black box. (She didn’t get angry She just used it to get  a better financial terms to divorce)

– In sum, your statement that your marriage had been broken down irretrievably way before October, 2020.


Best regards

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