Hedge Fund Partnership Agreement

Unique to the investment community, hedge fund partnership agreements are partnerships formed between fund managers and investors. Typically hedge fund managers invest a significant amount of personal capital – in some cases in excess of 50 percent of the total assets in the fund – aligning their interests with that of their investors

Structure of hedge fund partnership agreements

Investors share the partnership’s income, expenses, gains and losses. Each partner is taxed according to their respective share of the partnership.

  • Investment Manager- Determines strategy and makes investing decisions and allocations, as well as manages portfolio risk. The investment manager is also invested in the fund and is compensated via a management fee, as well as a performance fee based on the fund’s annual performance. Managers only get a performance fee if the fund makes money above a certain benchmark.
  • Prime Broker- Determines strategy and makes investing decisions and allocations, as well as manages portfolio risk. The investment manager is also invested in the fund and is compensated via a management fee, as well as a performance fee based on the fund’s annual performance. Managers only get a performance fee if the fund makes money above a certain benchmark. Funds must secure their loans with collateral to gain margin and execute trades. In turn, each broker (usually a large securities firm) uses its own risk matrix to determine how much to lend to each of its clients. Brokers are also subject to federal regulations, which act as indirect regulations on the hedge funds doing business with them.
  • Auditors- Verify financial statements as required by federal law


In the U.S., hedge fund partnership agreements and hedge fund managers are regulated by the SEC and CFTC and manage investment capital from accredited investors or qualified purchasers, including:

  1. Public employee retirement plans;
  2. Corporate employee retirement plans;
  3. University endowments;
  4. Foundations and non-profit organizations; and
  5. Family offices and high net-worth individuals.

Hedge fund partnership agreements documents

Your legal counsel will prepare six core documents for the hedge fund partnership agreements, which are necessary to launch the fund: (i) a private placement memorandum, (ii) a limited partnership agreement, (iii) a subscription agreement, (iv) an investment management agreement, (v) a general partner operating agreement, and (vi) a management company operating agreement.

Other services and documents that are also generally completed include the formation services of the limited partnership, the management company, and the general partner; drafting the management company operating agreement; preparing and filing the Edgar registration; drafting and filing state and federal Form D notice filings; and as necessary, preparing and filing any state or federal registrations or exemptions (or other necessary fund formation documentation).

Private placement memorandum of a hedge fund partnership agreements

A private placement memorandum (“PPM”) is a securities disclosure document that provides investors with material information about the fund to enable an investor to make an informed investment decision. Similar to a prospectus in an initial public offering, a PPM provides potential investors with specific information about the fund structure, terms of the fund, the background of the management company, and other issues, such as potential risks of the strategy, market, investments, limitations, and more.

Limited partnership agreement in relation to hedge fund partnership agreements

The limited partnership agreement (or in the case of an LLC-based fund, an operating agreement) is the legal governing document of the fund. It lays a basis for hedge fund partnership agreements. The limited partnership agreement outlines the terms of the fund and rights of an investor and fund manager. In contrast with the private placement memorandum, which is written in plain English, the fund’s limited partnership agreement is a complex legal document. Among the terms of the limited partnership agreement are:

  • a description of the powers, activities, and compensation of the general partner and the management of the hedge fund partnership agreements;
  • a thorough discussion of all fees and expenses, including management fees, performance incentives, and other potential fees the fund will pay and, ultimately, the limited partners will indirectly or directly pay to the general partner, the fund manager, and other third parties;
  • an explanation of the allocations and distributions of profits and losses to all partners, including how profits and timing of redemption are calculated to suit the hedge fund partnership agreements;
  • a description of investment capital requirements, withdrawal and redemption provisions, processes and requirements, including notice requirements, minimum and maximum withdrawal amounts, lock-up periods, gates, and distribution dates and processes, and any other pertinent terms;
  • a description of the fund’s formation, purpose, term, and termination of the hedge fund partnership agreements (whether voluntary or involuntary);
  • a description of the fiscal year activities that will be completed, including reports, accounting activities, statements, audits (if any), balancing of the capital accounts, books and records;
  • limitations of liability and indemnification provisions available to the limited partners, the general partner, and investment manager of a hedge fund partnership agreements;
  • a designation of power of attorney, which authorizes the general partner to act on the limited partners’ behalf for such purposes as voting the fund’s securities, buying and selling fund investments, admissions of new limited partners, and amendments to fund formation documents and other documents necessary for continued fund activity;
  • and a description of any other items the fund will require of its partners in a hedge fund partnership agreement.

To become a limited partner of a fund, an investor must sign a countersignature page by which it agrees to be bound by the terms of the partnership agreement or operating agreement, as necessary.

Subscription documents of a hedge fund partnership agreements

Subscription documents provide investors with a description of the steps necessary to purchase limited partnership interests in a fund and provide fund managers with eligibility information about the investor. This is the investor’s contract with the fund, which specifies the investor’s initial capital subscription amount and outlines under what terms the capital investment is being made. For fund managers, this document requires investors to attest that they meet certain eligibility standards, such as being an “accredited investor” or “qualified client,” as required by the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) regulations and applicable state law in order to invest in the fund.

Investment management agreement vis a vis hedge fund partnership agreement

The investment management agreement is an agreement between the fund and the investment management company. It defines the services that a fund manager will provide in return for the compensation it will receive. It also assigns to the fund manager a power of attorney with the duty of advising the fund on its assets and any contributions made by the limited partners, and gives the fund manager the broad discretionary authority to manage investor funds and securities in a manner that the fund manager believes is consistent with the investment strategy of the fund. Since the fund manager and the general partner are usually controlled by the same individuals (i.e., the sponsors), the investment management agreement is likely to be signed by the same individuals on both sides.

Operating agreements for hedge fund partnership agreements (management company and general partner)

The operating agreements of the management company and general partner are the legal governing documents that provide all of the rights of the principals of the fund. Each document specifies how ownership and decisions of the general partner and management company are divided among its principals. The operating agreements and their contents are not disclosed to investors but must be carefully drafted to remain in compliance with the governing laws.

Form d filings, investment adviser registration for hedge fund partnership agreements

In addition to the five core fund documents, there are required SEC and state filings, including form D filings and in some cases, investment adviser registration and commodity pool operator registration with the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

Sample hedge fund partnership agreements

ILPA has published two comprehensive APL models based on the Delaware Act that can be used to structure investments in a traditional private equity buyout fund, including an “entire fund” distribution cascade or a “transaction-by-transaction” economic distribution agreement. In addition to the five core fund documents, there are mandatory SEC and state filings, including Form D filings and, in some cases, registration of investment advisors and registration of commodity pool operators with the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). A standard limited partnership agreement (“LPA”) model is an ongoing need in the private equity asset class given the cost, time and complexity of negotiating investment terms. General partners (“PMs”) have an interest in shortening the duration of warranty contracts, providing fundraising security and reducing their fundraising costs. Similarly, limited partners (“LPs”) want fair and transparent terms that explain rights and obligations while reducing their legal negotiation costs. Most U.S. hedge fund partnership agreements are incorporated as limited partnerships between the fund manager and investors. While the specific structure may vary from fund to fund, certain characteristics apply to the entire industry. This presentation provides a brief overview of some of the most common fund structures.

To become a limited partner of a fund, an investor must sign a counter-subscription page on which he agrees to be bound by the terms of the partnership agreement or operating agreement, if applicable. National Hedge Funds: When dealing with U.S. citizens or taxable U.S. investors, a hedge fund partnership agreement can be built as a single U.S. domestic hedge fund. Typically, the hedge fund is formed as a general partnership, with a limited liability company acting as the fund`s general partner. The operating contracts of the management company and the general partner are the legal documents that provide for all the rights of the fund`s investors. Each document defines how the assets and decisions of the general partner and the management company are distributed among their clients. Operating agreements and their contents are not disclosed to investors, but must be carefully drafted to comply with applicable laws. Structure. A hedge fund partnership agreement is an investment vehicle that is most often structured as an offshore company, a limited partnership or a limited liability company.

Hedge fund partnership agreements are investment vehicles made available to investors that meet certain net asset criteria. A typical hedge fund partnership agreement structure includes a unit formed as a partnership for U.S. tax purposes and acting as an investment manager (IM). Another company acts as a general partner (PM) of the Master Fund. A capital call agreement defines the conditions for the call for capital. For example, when an investor buys. The only universal license requirement for a hedge fund manager is a regular commercial license. Since hedge fund partnership agreement managers are not regulated as brokers, they generally do not need a Series 7 license unless they are trading on behalf of clients.

More information on hedge fund partnership agreements

Subscription documents provide investors with a description of the steps required to purchase limited partnership stakes in a fund and provide fund managers with information on the investor`s eligibility. This is the investor`s contract with the fund, which determines the initial amount of the subscription to the investor`s capital and determines the conditions under which the capital investment will be made. For fund managers, this document requires investors to confirm that they meet certain licensing standards. B for example a “qualified investor” or a “qualified client” as required by SEC regulations and state law to invest in the fund. Hedge fund partnership agreements hedge funds are accessible to all investors. No! Mutual funds, because they are publicly registered, are accessible to anyone in whom they can invest. But to invest in a hedge fund partnership agreement, a potential investor must have a net worth of at least a million dollars without counting the value of their home. This is a partnership in which only one partner must be a general partner.




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