This Coaching Client Services Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is made and entered on this ____ day of _____ 2021 (the “Effective Date”), between Kelsey Kemp LLC, Contact Info: ____________, (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), and Tamara Queen, Contact Info: ____________ (herein referred to as the “Client”).

WHEREAS, this Agreement establishes the standards and boundaries of our working together. This Agreement authorizes the Company and the Company’s staff (hereinafter referred to as “Coach”) to provide the Client the services described in this agreement, at an agreed-upon fee of $6,000 for 3-month agreement, The Fee is non-refundable and is to be paid in full at the beginning of coaching unless other agreements have been agreed upon. 

NOW THEREOF, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises made by the Parties hereto, the Parties covenant and agree as follows:


Your Coach will serve as your partner in self-discovery, personal growth, goal setting and goal reaching. He/she is part coach, part mentor, part teacher, and part accountability partner. Their goal is to support you in discovering within yourself the beliefs or issues that are blocking you from getting all you want out of life, and to help elicit from within you your own best solutions or new ways to live more of the life you want to live. Personal development coaching is not therapy, and a coach or other member of Framework is not a therapist. A coach does not diagnose or treat disorders. Personal development coaching may be effective either as a precursor, complement, or follow-up to therapy. If you are currently in therapy, you are strongly encouraged to inform your therapist that you are also engaged in coaching, to help ensure that their work with you is mutually supportive toward your goals. If you are not in therapy, it is possible, depending on individual circumstances that your coach may recommend at some point that you consult with an appropriate mental-health professional before continuing with further coaching services. The client further acknowledges and understands Coaching is not to be used in lieu of other professional advice. The client will seek professional guidance for mental, legal, medical, financial, or other matters. While the Coach can guide the client in these areas, all decisions in these areas are exclusively the client’s and the client acknowledges his/her decisions and actions regarding them are their responsibility. 


Coaching is delivered during regularly scheduled sessions by telephone or an Internet link such as Zoom, unless otherwise arranged. In- person weekly sessions can be scheduled at the coach’s office or mutually agreeable location. Regularly scheduled sessions may be augmented with occasional “emergency” or unplanned calls, as needed and as the coach is available. (This may be especially valuable to clients who are dealing with particularly high-stress situations or working on overcoming certain behavior patterns.) Although the coach works from a basic theoretical model in providing coaching services, it is actually you, the client, who determines the overall direction of the coaching, its pace, and eventual outcomes based on your level of commitment and focus during the coaching process. 


The Coach will be developing PSP (Personal strategy plan) with the client within the first week of services. This is a plan addressing every area of the client’s life. This plan will have specific goals that will be set up with action steps to achieve these goals on a daily, weekly and monthly time frame. Client and Coach will address PSP on a weekly basis. 


In order for coaching to be most effective, the client must make a commitment to take an active part in the process, which may include identifying your own goals and desired outcomes, or doing “homework” assignments and follow-up activities on your own time between sessions. As the client, you supply the agenda or topic of discussion for each session. It is important that you are truthful and authentic, saying what you believe and feel, sharing shortfalls as well as successes – and not just tell the coach what you think he wants to hear or what you might wish you could truthfully say. Of course, you are also responsible to pay your coaching fees on time, as agreed upon, and to show up to sessions at agreed-upon times, ready to work. The coaches will assist you to realize your own potential, and respect your right to make your own informed and responsible decisions; thus, you need to be aware that results cannot be guaranteed, and that you are entering into coaching with the understanding that the effort and energy you put into coaching will largely determine the outcomes you experience. 


Timing of Calls: Coaching calls typically are 30 -45 minutes. They typically are scheduled one to three times a week, but some clients benefit from more or less frequent contact, and longer or shorter sessions. If you call in for your coaching session and receive voicemail, you should leave a message; your call will be returned promptly, and you will be provided with your complete coaching time, or it will be rescheduled if that is best for you. If you are late for a call, the coach may need to end the session at the originally scheduled time, although he/she will extend the call if his/her schedule allows. Additional Client Contact with Coach: You are welcome to call or e-mail your coach between coaching sessions when you have a challenge, can’t wait to share a success, need information, or just want to touch base. 

This service is part of and the Agreement and you will not be charged extra. You are welcome to e-mail your coach as often as you’d like. Unless there has been other time lengths discussed and mutually agreed upon, this Agreement is for a minimum of 2 coaching calls per week. 


Billing rate: Coaching is billed at a 3-month rate of $6,000 for 3-month agreement regardless of method of coaching. It is in agreement to be paid monthly at a rate of $2,000.00 per month. This agreement is for a personal coach and will start on this Date: XXXXXX. Frequency of days and times may be adjusted at end of each month provided that all parties are in agreement. 

Client cancellation of a scheduled appointment: The client remains responsible for coaching session. Clients are asked to give at least a 24 hours’ notice if needing to cancel or rearrange a call or meeting. Cancellation notice should be given by phone (not email) whenever possible. Coach No-show: If the coach misses a scheduled call without advance cancellation notice, he/she will offer the client the option of either rescheduling the call at a mutually agreeable time additional time on a future call or meeting. There is no charge for initial exploratory session. Before agreeing to work together, coach and prospective client will have an initial, no-fee “get acquainted” session to determine whether both feel reasonably confident that the prospective client can benefit from the coaching relationship and that the coach has the appropriate expertise to assist the prospective client, and that the rapport between them is likely to result in a supportive coach- client relationship. 

Fees payable in advance of coaching sessions: Fees are paid before client starts any coaching. Payment methods accepted are cash, PayPal, Square or Venmo with additional applicable service fees added. 


This Agreement contains the entire Agreement between the Parties relating to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any and all prior agreements or understandings, written or oral, between the parties related to the subject matter hereof.  No modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by both parties hereto. If Coaching is discontinued for any reason by the client or Coach, payment made for the current package term will be considered payment- in-full for the Agreement. All fees paid in advance will be forfeited upon cancellation. All fees still owed for the remainder of the sessions in the current package will become due immediately upon termination. 


To get the greatest benefit out of working together, coach and client normally should begin the coaching relationship with the intention of working together for an initial period of at least three months. Either party may end the coaching relationship at any point, for any reason. However, client still will be responsible for agreed upon amount for term of coaching as defined in Section 6. Any fees paid are non-refundable. Coach and client will have a final session by telephone before concluding the coaching relationship. The client agrees not to terminate coaching through an email notice alone, or by simply discontinuing communication with the coach, without a concluding coaching session by telephone before completion of the coaching relationship. 


General confidentiality commitment: The client’s identity, client relationship, and nature and content of the client’s work with Kelsey Kemp and Framework By Kelsey Kemp will remain private and confidential, and neither the coach nor Framework will share any information about the client with a third party unless the client consents in writing (email is acceptable) to allow the coach to discuss the client’s work with specific parties for specific reasons that benefit the client. Exceptions to confidentiality: In the course of their regular clerical duties, Framework support staff may be privy to name and limited contact information of Framework clients, but will have no access to information as to the content of the coaching sessions or issues discussed during coaching. Framework support staff is under the same strict requirements of confidentiality as is the coach himself. In the event that the coach believes there is clear and imminent danger to the life and physical safety of the client or others, the coach may need to disclose selected information in order to make appropriate and potentially life- saving interventions. In highly unusual circumstances, legal requirements or when a child, elder, or disabled person is in need of protection. 


Client agrees to utilize Framework services with the full understanding that Kelsey Kemp, Framework, their employees, volunteers and directors are in no way responsible or liable for your decisions, actions and their outcomes. Client also agree to hold Kelsey Kemp, Framework, employees, volunteers and directors free of all liability and responsibility for any adverse situations created as a direct or indirect result of a specific referral, advice given, or any actions taken while working with or as a result of working with Kelsey Kemp/ Framework By Kelsey Kemp. 


This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the ____________ [State/Country]. Exclusive jurisdiction and venue shall be in _____________ [State/Country].

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by the parties as of the Effective Date.

COMPANY (Staff): _____________       ________________________            ___________

                              (SIGNATURE)                  (NAME)                                    (DATE)

CLIENT: _____________            ________________________                 ___________

                      (SIGNATURE)                  (NAME)                                           (DATE)

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