Provision in the Affordable Care Act
Impact of ACA Provision on the Role of a Healthcare Administrator for Sunnyside Assisted Living Facility in Dallas, TX
The Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, introduced several provisions to reform the healthcare system in the United States. This paper aims to assess the impact of a specific provision from the ACA on the role of a healthcare administrator at Sunnyside Assisted Living Facility in Dallas, Texas. The chosen provision is the “Expansion of Medicaid Coverage” and its implications for the facility and the population it serves.
Title of the provision
Expansion of Medicaid Coverage
Purpose of Provision
The purpose of the Expansion of Medicaid Coverage provision is to give low-income people and families who previously did not qualify for the program access to Medicaid. It sought to solve the problem of uninsured people and give vulnerable groups access to cheap healthcare (Clemans-Cope et al., 2013).
Issue Addressed
The goal of the provision was to address the large number of uninsured Americans, especially those with low earnings. Prior to the ACA, only a few groups of people qualified for Medicaid, including children, pregnant women, and people with disabilities (Clemans-Cope et al., 2013). For many low-income persons who did not fit these requirements, this left a coverage gap.
Different Points of View
There were different points of view regarding the inclusion of the Expansion of Medicaid Coverage provision. Supporters claimed that extending Medicaid will give millions of uninsured people access to essential healthcare coverage and lessen the financial strain that uncompensated care places on hospitals and clinics (Garfield et al., 2020). They anticipated it would increase population health by lowering health disparities, enhancing access to preventive care, and improving preventive care access.
The provision’s opponents expressed concern about the financial strain it would put on the states. They claimed that extending Medicaid might put pressure on state finances and result in increased taxation. Others opposed to Medicaid expressed doubts about its ability to improve health outcomes and thought private market solutions would be more successful (Buchmueller et al., 2020).
Impact on the Healthcare Administrator at Sunnyside
As a healthcare administrator at Sunnyside Assisted Living Facility, the expansion of Medicaid coverage has several implications for the organization and its residents. With the provision in place, more low-income individuals in Dallas, Texas, would be eligible for Medicaid, increasing the number of potential residents who can afford the services provided by Sunnyside.
The facility would need to adapt its processes to accommodate the increased number of Medicaid beneficiaries. This may involve updating billing systems, coordinating with Medicaid managed care organizations, and ensuring compliance with the specific requirements associated with Medicaid reimbursement.
Additionally, the provision would positively impact the financial stability of the facility. Previously, the facility may have faced challenges in serving individuals without insurance or with limited ability to pay. With expanded Medicaid coverage, more residents would have a source of payment for their care, reducing the financial strain on Sunnyside Assisted Living Facility.
Impact and its Effects on Values
The implementation of the Expansion of Medicaid Coverage provision can be seen as a positive development for Sunnyside Assisted Living Facility and its values. It aligns with the organization’s mission of providing quality care and improving the well-being of seniors in the community.
By expanding Medicaid, the provision enables Sunnyside to reach a broader population, ensuring that vulnerable individuals have access to essential healthcare services. It also aligns with the values of equity and inclusivity, as it reduces barriers to care for low-income individuals who previously lacked affordable coverage options.
Buchmueller, T. C., Cliff, B. Q., & Levy, H. (2020, July). The benefits of Medicaid expansion. In JAMA Health Forum (Vol. 1, No. 7, pp. e200879-e200879). American Medical Association.
Clemans-Cope, L., Long, S. K., Coughlin, T. A., Yemane, A., & Resnick, D. (2013). The expansion of Medicaid coverage under the ACA: implications for health care access, use, and spending for vulnerable low-income adults. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 50(2), 135-149.
Garfield, R., Damico, A., & Orgera, K. (2020). The coverage gap: Uninsured poor adults in states that do not expand Medicaid. Peterson KFF-Health System Tracker. Disponível em:. Acesso em, 29, 1-11.
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