In re,                                                          )

XXX.,                         )

Debtor, Pro Se                          ) Case No. XXX






I, XXX, the Debtor in the above-referenced bankruptcy case, respectfully submit this Motion to Extend the Automatic Stay in accordance with the provisions of 11 U.S.C. § 362(c)(3) and in support states as follows:

  2. On [INSERT DATE OF FILING BANKRUPTCY PETITION], I filed for bankruptcy under Chapter [INSERT CHAPTER NUMBER] in the United States Bankruptcy Court, Eastern District of Virginia, Norfolk Division.
  3. The automatic stay was granted, providing crucial protection from creditor actions during the bankruptcy proceedings.
  4. The purpose of this motion is to request an extension of the automatic stay in accordance with the provisions of 11 U.S.C. § 362(c)(3). The automatic stay is a critical protection for debtors seeking bankruptcy relief, and it allows them to halt creditor actions and provide them with the necessary breathing room to reorganize their financial affairs and propose a feasible repayment plan.


  2. I am diligently working to address my financial challenges and implement a feasible repayment plan. However, due to unforeseen circumstances that have hindered my ability to finalize a comprehensive repayment plan, I require additional time to effectively restructure my affairs and develop a viable repayment plan.
  3. I am committed to fulfilling the requirements of the bankruptcy process and respectfully request an extension of the automatic stay for a period of [INSERT NUMBER OF DAYS OR WEEKS] to facilitate the preparation and submission of a detailed repayment plan that meets the interests of both the Court and my creditors.
  4. I assure the Court that my interests are aligned with the objectives of the Bankruptcy Law – rehabilitation, reorganization, and satisfying creditors’ claims to the extent feasible. The requested extension of the automatic stay will not cause any undue prejudice or inconvenience to any party involved. On the contrary, it will promote the fair and equitable resolution of this case and facilitate a more favorable outcome for all parties concerned.
  5. An extension of the automatic stay would greatly assist me in achieving these goals and maximize my chances of successful rehabilitation.




  1. Based on the reasons stated above, I respectfully request that the Honorable Court grants this Motion to Extend Automatic Stay.
  2. I believe that the extension is in my best interest of my successful rehabilitation as it will afford me the opportunity to devise a repayment plan that adheres to the bankruptcy laws and allows for the orderly resolution of my debts.
  3. I understand the significance of this request and acknowledge the importance of the automatic stay in safeguarding my financial interests during this difficult time.
  4. In light of the above, I request that this honorable Court grant an extension of the automatic stay, as provided under 11 U.S.C. § 362(c)(3), for a period of [INSERT NUMBER OF DAYS OR WEEKS].
  5. This extension will enable me to continue working diligently with my bankruptcy attorney to formulate a repayment plan that adheres to the Court’s requirements and satisfies the interests of all parties involved.


WHEREFORE, the Debtor requests this Court grant this Motion to Extend the Automatic Stay as to all creditors, after notice and opportunity to be heard, and for all other proper relief.


Dated:                                                                                                     Respectfully submitted,


    [INSERT YOUR NAME]    Debtor, Pro Se

















A true and correct copy of the foregoing has been sent by either electronic transmission or U.S. Mail on ___________________________, to: [INSERT CHAPTER 7 OR CHAPTER 13] Trustee; Debtors; and all Creditors and interested parties as listed on attached matrix [be sure to add the matrix].

/s/ Signature          



                                                                                                          [INSERT YOUR ADDRESS]       

                                                                                            [INSERT YOUR PHONE NUMBER]

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