Dear [Recipient’s Name],

RE: Defamation- Cease and Desist

It has come to my attention that you have maliciously made unsubstantiated
and untrue statements about me that damages my reputation. They defamatory
statements include, but not limited to the Facebook posts you have posted stating
that I am giving out personal and confidential information about other employees (the
“Statements”). The Statements were made on [Date of the post(s)].
Under the laws of Michigan, the Statements on me are on digital media,
Facebook under the account name [Facebook Account], and have been conveyed and
communicated to third parties to convey an unjustly unfavorable impression on me,
and therefore would constitute slander and/ or libel.
The Statements have caused irreparable damages to my husband and I. We
both work at [PLACE OF WORK] at [ADDRESS] and I am the company’s Recording
Secretary. Therefore, I have access to all employees’ records, addresses, and social
security numbers. The elected position I hold is very critical and you making the
Statements on Facebook causes more damage than good. These Statements are false
and could cost me the elected position in the company. My name is very strong in the
worksite of over 4,500 people as well as my character and reputation.

Accordingly, I demand you to immediately (i) retract the Statements and the
posts on Facebook, (ii)cease and desist all defamatory statements and (iii) return
the signed written assurance that you will refrain from any further act of the said
To avoid legal action from me, you are requested to comply with the above
demands immediately. Please note that, if I were to file legal action against you for
infringement, I would be entitled to seek preliminary and permanent injunctions,
monetary damages to my reputation, as well as reimbursement of my lawyer’s fees
associated with the legal action.
I will not send another warning letter. If you do not retract the statement and
issue the apology by [DEADLINE], a lawsuit will be commenced immediately.
You are hereby put on notice that I will be monitoring closely any further
statements you made in relation to me and take appropriate legal action if the
infringement persists. Please acknowledge in writing to me within seven (7) days of
the receipt of this letter to confirm the cease and desist action to be taken. If you fail
to comply with the above demands, I shall have no choice but to pursue legal action
to protect my interests.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions on [Tel. Number] or
[E-mail address].


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