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Bryon Neff, Ph.D., BCBA-D
Associate Professor, Online Behavior Analysis Program Chair &
VCS Coordinator, School of Behavior Analysis
Florida Institute of Technology
150 W. University Blvd.
Melbourne, FL 32901
Dear Sir,

Reference is made to the above-captioned matter.
My name is Elizabeth, a student at the Florida Institute of Technology. I was admitted into FIT’s
Masters of Arts in Behavior Analysis program before the enrollment of the FIT program. Upon
enrollment, taking the FPE was not a part of the program requirements to graduate. The only
requirements were the coursework. FIT decided to make changes to the program a semester
before I graduate requiring that we pass the FPE with an 80% or better in order to receive our
The preceding has been extended by the institution to apply to students that enrolled before the
implementation of the program thus the need for this appeal on behalf of all students admitted
prior to the program on the following basis:
1. THAT when accepted admission, I accepted the degree requirements of the current
program offered with the understanding that I would graduate from the Master’s in
Applied Behavior Analysis using the designated requirements.

2. THAT upon admission to an accredited educational institution, one is given a list of all
the majors the school offers, and the requirements needed to complete that degree
which serves as the student’s catalog year
3. THAT moreover, the preceding serves as one’s contract with the school and the student
pursues a given major by completing the courses laid out for the year in which the
student joined the institution. This is in accordance with the Section 1007.263 of the
2022 Florida Statutes that governs the Florida College System institutions, precisely
the admission of students.
4. THAT when I accepted admission into the institution, I accepted the degree
requirements from the current program offered.
5. THAT my acceptance of admission was premised on the understanding that I would
graduate from the Master’s in Applied Behavior Analysis using the designated
6. THAT the new FPE program requirements came about almost two years after my
admission, and now I’m subject to those changes despite them not being of the
curriculum I agreed to during admission into Florida Institute of Technology.
7. THAT it would be unfair to have students that were admitted into the institution after the
enrollment of the FPE comply with its requirements prior to awarding them a degree.
8. THAT this is the first time that the Florida Institute of Technology is implementing such
change. Consequently, if the purpose behind the FPE is to evaluate the performance of
students, the same should not be harshly imposed on students.
9. THAT the institution should consider other less harsh methods and policies to assess
the performance of students other than compelling them to take an additional major.
10. THAT it would only be reasonable to have students that enrolled prior to the introduction
of the FPE program graduate under the catalog in effect during their initial enrollment.

11. THAT such students could also be afforded the liberty to decide whether they want to
proceed according to the original or revised requirements.
12. THAT compelling students to adopt FPE program would be denying students a fair
chance to succeed.
13. THAT an email informing students of the newly enrolled program was sent to students
along with an ambiguous email with very little assistance.
14. THAT the exam is only issued once a semester, so students will have to wait an entire 4
months to sit for the same.
15. THAT in a bid to solve the preceding ambiguities regarding the FPE program, I have
contacted the school on numerous occasions for clarification only to get no response or
guidance on the same.
16. THAT the institution has so far not provided any informative study guide hence lowering
the chances for the success of the students.
17. THAT the students were notified of the FPE program towards the end of their studies
hence denied the opportunity to structure our classes in a way to allow us to better
prepare for the exam early on.
18. THAT personally, I strategically saved all my electives for my last semester so that I
could spend most of my time in the program focused on core classes. I started the
summer semester with 5 classes that required a great deal of my attention and then an
additional burden, the FPE, that I never planned for.
19. THAT had the students known prior to the start of the program that the FPE would be
required we would have structured our classes in a way that we could have a healthy
balance to complete our classes and better prepare for FPE.
20. THAT I couldn’t give much time to study for FPE because every other day my other
classes required my attention, I had exams and assignments due for 5 classes all
semester long.

21. THAT students coming in have a better advantage as they are fully aware of
requirements and the program designers structured the curriculum. They are not
overwhelmed with as many classes so they have a better chance to do better.
22. THAT it is quite unfair for the majority of the students that have paid the entire school
fees to be surprised with a sudden program that requires them to study further.
23. THAT the majority of the students accepted admission into the institution for various
reasons but undertaking the FPE program was not one of them.
24. THAT imposing the program on the students would be unfair and depriving them of their
right to choose.
25. THAT it is unfair to the majority of the students to have them wait in line for a program
they did not consent to. This would also delay their ability to get jobs.
26. THAT we all worked hard for our current grades to acquire our degrees. I personally
managed to keep a 3.9 GPA all program long. However, I took the FPE and scored a
79% yet they require a minimum of 80%.
27. THAT most students, just like me, have our academic progression stifled and now have
to suffer unforeseen consequences.
I, on behalf of all concerned students thus plead that the institution takes the relevant steps
that include:
a) Revocation of the institution’s decision on the applicability of the FPE program to
students admitted before its rolling out.
b) Expediting of the graduation of the students that have completed the majors included in
the degree requirements prior to the enrollment of the FPE program.
c) Any other relief that the institution deems fit to grant.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I am ready to appear physically or virtually to
provide more information or clarify anything. I look forward to your positive feedback.

Yours Sincerely,
Insert Your Full Name

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