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The Chairperson,
Department of Nursing
Dear Sir,

This is an appeal of the dismissal notice that was sent to me by the Departmental Executive
Council. I will outline reasons for the dismal performance that led to the dismissal. The
performance is as a result of circumstances that were beyond my control.

I am a working single mother juggling work, motherhood and schoolwork. I have experienced
various challenges as a result of unfortunate events, that have made it difficult for me to fully
focus on schoolwork.

In July XXX I was involved in a car accident. I was hospitalized for ____ days and later
discharged. I began physical therapy to help me get back in shape. I also lost my only
source of income during this month.

In October XXX, my children (10-month-old and 17-year-old at the time), contracted Covid-
19. They had to isolate as per stipulated guidelines. While in isolation I was the only one who
could take care of them. I had to isolate with them too. That is how I completely withdrew
from school.

In March XXXX, my daughter’s father was murdered in cold blood. I had to help my daughter
bear the loss. I had to be there for her as well as for myself. This was not easy for my
daughter as she and her father loved each other so much.

In June XXX, my fiance was unlawfully detained by immigration authorities. We are still in
the process of getting him released. His unlawful detainment has led to financial hardship on

my part as I am now the sole breadwinner for my family. I have been forced to work extra
hours to meet my family’s needs.

I have taken steps to recover from the unfortunate events that have rocked my family and I. I
sold my property and downsized; I have involved my mother to assist me with my children;
and I have reduced my workload to two days a week to ensure my 100% engagement to
improve my grades this semester. Given another chance at this university, I will put in all
necessary effort as I will be free from any distractions.

Thank you for taking the time to read this appeal. I am ready to appear virtually or personally
to provide more information or clarify any unclear parts. If you need me to appear, kindly
contact me via the information provided above.

Yours Sincerely,

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