4103 S Regal St.
Spokane, Washington 99223
(509) 448-2000
Washington State Department of Health
111 Israel Rd. SE
Tumwater, Washington 98501
(800) 525-0127
June 29, 2022



On June 22 nd 2022, Krem TV (hereinafter referred to as “Krem”) aired a news piece which
portrayed Dr. Sandy Montano, a reputable dentist of high standing, in bad light by providing
false information regarding his dental practice. In the news piece aired at around 07:30pm on
June 22 nd , it was falsely alleged that Dr. Montano was suspended for violating multiple sanitation
and infection control requirements. It was further alleged that Dr. Montano has 20 days to
respond to the charges and ask for a hearing. Dr. Montano was shocked after the airing of the

The news piece was posted on Krem’s website as well as Krem 2 News’ Facebook page. It was
still on Krem’s website and Facebook page at the time of writing and sending this letter. The
website and Facebook page are available for members of the general public to see. More
allegations on the article posted on the website are that Dr. Montano refused to allow an
investigator to conduct an infection control inspection, that he treated a patient unprofessionally,
that he failed to maintain accurate patient records, and that the Dental Quality Assurance
Commission received a complaint against Dr. Montano accusing him of using x-ray barriers,

towels and suctions from the trash and placing them with unused ones. Dr. Sandy Montano
would like to clarify some issues in regard to the news piece.

Prior to the airing of the news piece on June 22 nd , Dr. Montano did not have knowledge of any
violation. No one had informed him that he had committed any violation during his dental
practice. Dr. Montano believes that the false information regarding violation of sanitation and
infection control requirements came from former patients and other third parties. In the article on
Krem’s website, it was stated that the information came from the Washington State Department
of Health and the Dental Quality Assurance Commission.

There is a pending case, case no. 2021-13967DE regarding three disgruntled former
employees, one former office manager and two dental assistants, who were involved in the
embezzlement of more than $28,000 from Dr. Montano’s office. A law enforcement officer went
to Dr. Montano’s premises on November 16 th 2021 at 09:29am. Three police reports were filed:
#2022-1001-3293, #2021-1016-6067 and #2021-1017-0818. A forensic accountant/fraud
examiner was also invited and he was able to determine that the amount that was embezzled
was more than $28,000. Dr. Montano believes that the false allegations of violation of sanitation
and infection control requirements were made up by the disgruntled former employees in
retaliation against Dr. Montano. On November 16 th 2021, the disgruntled former employees
attempted to intimidate Dr. Montano with false accusations and prevent him from reporting the
embezzlement of office funds to Spokane Sheriff and the prosecutor.

The Washington State Department of Health and the Dental Quality Assurance Commission are
required to follow set rules and procedures in the Revised Code of Washington in ensuring
compliance with standard rules of practice. Investigator Clark Wisswell went to Dr. Montano’s
hospital on December 1 st 2021 to conduct an investigation. Dr. Montano informed Mr. Wisswell
that some disgruntled former employees were out to make false allegations against him. Dr.
Montano was fully cooperative with Mr. Wisswell. Mr. Wisswell conducted an investigation at Dr.
Montano’s office which lasted one hour and forty-five minutes. After the investigation, Mr.
Wisswell did not provide Dr. Montano with any notification or document with any allegation of
violation of any sanitation or infection control requirements, as required. There was no report
from the Washington State Department of Health or a copy of Mr. Wisswell’s report after the

On December 3 rd 2021, Dr. Montano was assaulted before another investigator came to inspect
the premises on December 4 th 2021. Dr. Montano had to have a social community member as a
witness during the inspection as a result of the assault the previous day. After the investigation,
it was determined that Dr. Montano’s practice was above standards. So far, there is no
documentation to support the false allegation that

On December 31 st 2021, Mr. Wisswell wrote a letter and did not mention any sanitation violation.
Dr. Montano remained in contact with Mr. Wisswell from December 1 st 2021 to June 2 nd 2022
and he never mentioned that Dr. Montano had committed any violation.

While Dr. Montano understands that Krem is at liberty to air news pieces as it deems fit, he
believes that it was intentional to air the false allegations past 07:00pm, after close of business
on that day. Krem knew that neither Dr. Montano nor his representative(s) would do anything to
prevent the airing of the piece. On June 23 rd 2022, Dr. Montano went to Krem’s offices at
06:30am. After 17 minutes, he was asked to provide his contact information and later asked to
leave the premises. Dr. Montano was also prevented from clarifying the false accusations
levelled against him. Dr. Montano tried to contact Washington State Department of Health
officials who were assigned to his license credentials to no avail. At around 04:45pm, Sasha, an
employee of the State Department of Health, issued a statement that Dr. Montano did not have
any avenues for appeal left, contradicting Krem’s earlier statement that Dr. Montano has 20
days to appeal. The contradicting statements of Krem and Sasha were made in bad faith and
constitute a violation of Dr. Montano’s civil rights and due process.

As a result of the actions and/or omissions of Krem and the Washington State Department of
Health, Dr. Montano has lost his source of livelihood. He is taking care of his elder sister who is
disabled. Dr. Montano has also lost friends and community members who were appalled by the
false allegations levelled against him and his dental practice.

Dr. Montano would like the Washington State Department of Health to provide him with the
following documents and/or information:
a. The report of the investigation conducted by Mr. Clark Wisswell on December 1 st 2021;
b. Reasons why the report of the investigation conducted by Mr. Clark Wisswell on
December 1 st 2021 was not mentioned in the public document signed by the attorney

c. Steps taken to reinstate and clarify the status of Dr. Montano’s dental license, lift the
suspension and correct investigation findings of DQAC v. Montano, case number 2021-
13967DE and all cases against Dr. Montano;
d. The person(s) who authorized the publication of false information by Krem and the
amount of money paid to Krem for them to air the news piece with false information;
e. Whether the news piece containing false information about Dr. Montano and his dental
practice constitutes an attempt by the Department to discredit Dr. Montano in case no.
2021-14857DE and Mr. Wisswell’s letter on January 4 th 2022 for a personal injury civil
lawsuit and damages;
f. The status of the case filed by the Department against Dr. Montano who was assaulted
by an employee/agent/representative of the Department, leaving Dr. Montano with
physical injuries after blows to the head leading to a concussion.

Dr. Montano requests the Washington State Department of Health to reinstate his license and
clear all charges on his NPDB.

Dr. Montano would like Krem to provide him with the following documents and/or information:
a. Reasons why the report of the investigation conducted by Mr. Clark Wisswell on
December 1 st 2021 was not mentioned in the news piece;
b. Amount of money paid to Krem to air the news piece with false information and post it on
Krem’s website and Facebook page;
c. Reasons why Dr. Montano was turned away from Krem’s premises after stating that he
was there to clarify the false information aired by Krem the previous night;
d. Whether there were specific instructions issued to Krem to air the news piece containing
false information past 07:00pm, after close of business so Dr. Montano would do nothing
regarding the false information spread about his dental practice;
e. Whether the news piece containing false information and advertisement were meant to
defame Dr. Montano; and
f. Whether Krem requires Dr. Montano to pay anything to clarify the false information and
allegations levelled against him and his dental practice.

Dr. Montano requests Krem to retract the news piece aired on June 22 nd 2022 from its website,
Facebook page and any other platform on which it was posted, clarify that the information aired
about Dr. Montano and his dental practice was false, and issue a public apology in that regard.

At this time, Dr. Montano is not contacting the authorities or considering taking any action, as he
hopes this matter can be resolved without authoritative involvement. He is not under any
circumstances, however, waiving any legal rights he has presently, or future remedies against
KREM 2 TV by sending this letter. In good faith, Dr. Montano has attached certificates of

Dr. Montano expects to hear back from KREM 2 TV and Washington State Department of
Health in a timely manner of no more than ten (10) days from the date of this letter. If Dr.
Montano’s demands are not met within this period, he will seek appropriate relief before a court
of competent jurisdiction for full payment of damages plus all costs and witness fees.

Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Sandy Montano

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