This Authorized User Lease Agreement (‘Agreement’) s infended 10 be a binding agreement
made by
and between XXX TRADELINE LLC, and the undersigned client (hereinafter “Clent’),
hereinafter referred
toas “Lessee. By signing this agreement, Client certifies that helshe is a least 18 years of age,
that the information he/she has provided to XXXTRADELINE LLC and complete, that he
is he’s legally
authorized to enter into this agreement and authorize the actions of XXX TRADELINE
LLC as set forth
herein, and that he is he will not use any of the services of XXXTRADELINE LLC or any
information provided by XXX TRADELINE LLC for any unlawful purpose.

1. FICO Score is a three-digit number calculated from the credit information on your credit report
ata consumer reporting agency (CRA) at a particular point in time. A FICO score can range from
300 0 850. It summarizes information in your credit report to a single number that lenders can
set to assess your credit risk quickly. Lenders use your FICO Scores (o estimate your credit risk
‘and how likely you are to pay your credit obligations as agreed, based on your actual borrowing
and repayment history. A person with a high FICO score is more likely to receive a loan or
‘m mortgage from a financial institution. Your FICO Scores may also be used when you apply
for a
cell phone account,cable TV and its services.
2. The term “tradeline” technically refers o a record of activity for any type of credit extended to
borrower and reported t0 a credit reporting agency. As used throughout this agreement,
The term refers more generally to 10 a e o revolving credit. such as a credit card, which forms
basis of the credit bureau report radeline. The act of adding a client to another person’s
consists of adding client as an “Authorized User” on that person’s line of credit resulting in the
radeiine also appearing on Client’s credit bureau report
3. XXX Tradeline LLC has access to one or more undisclosed private individuals

Who have been evaluated and received a FICO score based on the credit history of those
individuals. Each such Cardholder possesses a positive FICO credit score and has agreed to
maintain a continually positive credit history on the accounts leased by XXX Tradeline
4. Each Cardholder possesses one or more credit card accounts that have the capability to add
“authorized user tradeline” 1o those accounts. Tradeine LLC has contracted with each of
these Cardholders to allow XXX Tradeline LLC to add Lessee as an authorized user for
one or
‘more of Cardholder’s credit card accounts, f Lessee mees al qualifying criteria and complies
With terms and conditions in this Agreement.
5. XXX Tradeline LLC desires o lease one or more authorized user tradelines on these
credit card
‘accounts to Lease for a definite period of time.
6. Lessee dossiers (o ease one or more authorized user tradelines through XXXTradeline
LLC on
the credit card accounts of one or more Cardholders.
7. Prior to services being rendered, Lessee agrees to provide XXX Tradeline LLC with a
and updated credit report showing Lessee’s entire credit history, as is represented by al tree
major credit reporting agencies.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, representations, and
contained in this Agreement, the parties hereto agree as follows:
1. Warranty of Credit Worthiness. Lessee warrants to XXX Tradeline LLCne LLC that
Lessee has
used due diligence best efforts to become credit worthy prayer to submitting a written |
request to XXX Tradeline LLC 10 add Lessee’s name as an authorized user on a credit
card account accessible on Tradeline LLC. 3
2. Personally ldenifatie Information.Lessee shall submit a XXX Tradeline LLC al 3
necessary personally identifiable information of Lessee to parmit XXX Tradeline LLC o
use its contractual relationships with one or more Cardholders 5o that they can attempt
‘add Lessee as an authorized user to one or more credit card accounts they own. Ata
minimum, the necessary personal information of Lessee shall include Lessee’s full legal
vex me, variables social security number, skeet kress, and ielphons b Lassse.
understands that XXX Tradeline LLC will submit Lessee’s personal information to a i

third-party verification system for the purpose of confirming the accuracy and legitimacy
of that information, and by signing this Agreement Lessee authorizes the submissionand |
Verification attempt. Client agrees hat hashe shalt not e, provide, o submit 1o 1
XXX Tradeline LLC, any alternate Social Security Number (SSN), Credit Protection 1
Number (CPN), Employer Identification Number (EIN), Taxpayer Identification Number
(TIN). o other similar information that is false. fraudulent, illegal or unauthorized. Upon
the discovery of such false,fraudulent, legal o unauthorized information, IMCF shall
have the absolute right to terminate this agreement, discontinue it services, and reverse
‘any services previously performed (e, remove the Client from any tradelines to which
heishe has been added by XXX Tradeline LLC). Cent agrees that n tat event any
and al fees, costs and other money and funds of any kind paid to XXX Tradeline LLC
shall not be refunded to Client,but shall be retained by XXX Tradeline LLC and 3
‘considered 1 be liquidated damages or Client’s breach of his agreement It further
understood and agreed that Tradeline LLC’s damages in that event shall not be
limited to the fees, costs and other money and funds described above, and that Tradeline |
LLC does not hereby waive its entitlement to any other damages to which it may |
be entitled in law or equity. i
3. Payment Lessee shall pay XXX Tradeline LLC for each authorized user position 1
Lessee leases from a Cardholder through XXX Tradeline LLC, contemporaneous with
Lessee’s submission of Lessee’s personal information to XXX Tradeline LLC. The otal
amount of the required payment and the authorized user radeines Lessee wishes 1o |
lease are set forth on the attached Authorized User Lease Agreement Addendum (the 1
“Addendum). Tis payment shall be made to Tradeline LLC bank account, via
the Tradeine LLC’s website, or over through facebook messenger directy. Client
shal be fiable o the Company for al attorneys’ fees and other costs of collection to 3
collect such unpaid amounts. 3
4. Disputed Credit Card Transactions. Prior to the king of a dispute against credit card
transaction used to pay for services with XXX Tradeline LLC, Lessee agrees to make
reasonable efforts to contact Tradeine Gerie LLC for the purpose of resolving Lessee’s
dispute. If Lessee fais fo do 5o, o f Lessee, after contacting XXX Tradeline LLC, fles
‘an unsubstantiated and/or fraudulent credit card dispute, Lessee agrees to reimburse i
ACH PMO Tradeline LLC for any service or penalty fees charged to XXX Tradeline LLCrie
LLC in
connection with the dispute. In addition, Lessee shall be held liable for the maximum i
amount of damages allowable by law. If Lessee fails to reémburse Tradefine LLC |
For any service or penay fees, Lessee’s account will be reported o a collection agency.
Furthermore, Ach Pmo Tradeline LLC reserves the right of sport any and all unsubstantiated
and or fraudulent credit card disputes o law enforcement authorities and

related financial agencies. ;
2. A charge of the greater of $40 or 10% of the balance due shall be applied 10 any i
payment made and disputed by Lessee with Lessee’s credit card company. Inferest 5
accrues on any balance owed by Lessee to Lessor at the ra of 18% per annum, i
commencing on the day Lessee disputed the credit card payment with their credit card ;
company, and continuing until reimbursement has been made. 1
5. Confidentiality. Except as set forth in, or as needed to implement the terms of, this. }
Agreement, al communications between Tradsiine LLC and Lessee, whether 1
Vot writon, or oo, hal b0 conidonia. Lessee shall o, during a form ol s
Agreement or after the termination of this Agreement, isciose any communications 1
between Tradeine Gerve LLC and Lessee 1o any third party, except with XXX Tradeline
LLC’s prior written consent. Furthermore, Lessee agrees to refrain from making any 1
disparaging. slanderous, or defamatory statements, or any statement which can }
reasonably be construed as disparaging, slanderous, or defamatory, that may potentially }
fesultin harm to XXX Tradeline LLC’s representatives’ financial condition and or ,
reputation among the public. Violation of this provision shall constitute a material ;
breach of this Agreement.This provision shall survive the emminaton of this agreement. ,
6. Assumption of Rk Lessee understands and assumes the internet securityrisk ;
involved with the provision, delivery transfer of Lessee’s confidential omation to ,
XXX Tradeline LLC, regardless of the form of transmission. Although XXX Tradeline
LL. }
LLC will attempt in good faith 1o safeguard and protect Lessee’s confidential and 1
personally identifiable information, Tradeine LLC cannot guaranies that s ;
confidential information will not be stolen or accessed by an unauthorized third party. 1
Accordingly, Lessee assumes all risk for any breach of confidentiality or security that may }
occur with respect to the sharing of Lessee’s confidential information with Tradeline 1
LLC. Lessee acknowledges and agrees that any actual damage it suffers as a }
result o XXX Tradeline LLC’s intentional or grossly negligent failure to safeguard and 1
protect Lessee’s confidential information shall be subject to the Limitation of Liability }
provision set forth in section B.8 below. ;
7. Duly 1o Disclose Lessee is under a continuing duty 1o isclose 1o every potential grantor ,
of credit a the time Lessee apply for credit from that grantor that () Lessee has been ;
added as an authorized user 1 one or more credit card accounts of ne of more 1
Cardholders; and (i) Lessee is not a direct family member of the Cardholder(s). Lessee ;
assumes al cavity of any kind of Lessee fails to isciose the above information 10 @ 1
potential grantor of credit. Lessee shall indemnify, save, and hold ACH PMO Tradeline LLC }
harmless from all claims or damages of any kind that may be asserted against Tradeine 1
LLC by a potential crect grantor of Lessee because of an alleged fikre by ;
Lessee to comply with this provision. }
1. Aiton of Authorized user. }
1. Upon receipt of Losses’s personal information and he payment of the lease
foe set forth in e Addendum, XXX Tradeline LLC shall use its best efforts o 1

have Lesseo added to one or more credit card accounts a5 an authorized user by |
the Cardholder(s). Lessee acknowledges that XXX Tradeline LLC must transmit !
certain of Lessee’s personally identifiable information to Cardholder(s) or this ;
purpose.2. Ifa Cardholder s able to add Lessee to one or more credit card accounts, then
XXX Tradeline LLC shall retain the lease payment specified in the Addendum
for each authorized user position (o which Lesseo has been successfully added
‘and provide email notification to Lessee that Lessee has been successfully
‘added to one or more credit card accounts as an authorized user.
3. Ifthe Cardholder is unable to add Lessee as an authorized user, XXX Tradeline
LLC retains the right,in s discretion, o provide Lessee with access 1o an
ultimate credit card having age andlor credit limit characteristics that are
substantially similar to the original card. I XXX Tradeline LLC is unable to do
so, XXX Tradeline LLCntle LLC shall return the lease payment to Lessee.
4. Should the credit card fai o report o the credit bureaus in the way anticipated by
the Tradsiine LLC, XXX Tradeline LLC retains the right, in s discretion,
to replace the originally leased credit card with an alternate credit card having
‘age andlor credit limit characteristics that are substantially similar.
5. Inthe event that the Cardholder’s account(s) on which Lessee is an authorized
user reports to one or more of the three major credit bureaus as either closed or
terminated, the parties acknowledge that each credit bureau determines whether
the payment history for that closed or terminated credit card account will continue
o be calculated into Lessee’s credit score, If the credit limit for a closed or
terminated credit card is not calculated into the score, it may reduce the benefit
that’s closed or terminated credit card has to the utilization ratio variable in the
credit scoring model. Ifa credit card reports s closed or terminated prior to the
‘expiration of the lease term, and f Lessee informs the XXX Tradeline LLC of
Such an event prior to the expiration of the lease term, the XXX Tradeline LLC
retains the right,in s discretion, to replace the originally eased credit card for
the balance of the lease term with an alternate credit card having age and/or
credit it characteristics that are substantially similar
6. XXXX Tradeline LLC requires that Cardholders agroe that they will not create or
maintain a balance on the credit card(s) to which Lessee is added as an
‘Authorized user that exceeds 30% of the credit limit. By signing this Agreement
Lessee acknowledges and agrees that a balance may exist on the credit card
account(s)to which Lessee is added as an authorized user.
2. Transmittal of Written Verification. Ifa Cardholder is able to successfully add Lessee as
‘an authorized user o one or more credit card accounts, then XXX Tradeline LLC will
send written verification of this addition to Lessee. This written verification will be made
either by email or first class mail; postage prepaid, and s typically sent within soven (7)

calendar days of XXX Tradeline LLC’s receipt of notice from the Cardholder that Lessee
has been added as an authorized user.
3. Sharing of the Personal Information of Lessae, *Personally identifiable information”
includes, but is not limited to: the personal name, social security number, email address if
any, street address, and telephone number i any, o Lessee; or, any other information or
characteristics that could be used to identify Lessee. XXX Tradeline LLC shall not
distribute, sell, or otherwise transfer to any third party (besides the Cardholder(s)) the
personal information of Lessee without the prior written consent of Lessee. Tradeline
LLC shall not use the personal information of Lessee in any way except as
authorized by this Agreement. XXX Tradeline LLC shall not retain the personal
information of Lessee in any fls or other recording medium of any kind for more than 90
daws Following e teswitmlion of s Aoresment usiess Ladies slacks & esters of renew the lease
term. Disclosure of the personal information of Lessee by XXX Tradeline LLC
in violation of this provision constitutes a material breach of this agreement and is just
cause for termination
4. Abusing XXX Tradeline LLC "Bust Out Fraud"is a concern in the banking industry that
ACH PMO Tradeline LLC does not support. XXX Tradeline LLC controls its exposure and
risk to Bust Out Fraud by restricting all Authorized Users whose credit reports display a
“blank’ or extremely limited history, where the AU has less than 24 months of primary
credit user history, to being added only to the tradelines in our inventory that are less
than §750 Retail Price. This restriction is decided wholly and unilateral at the discretion
of XXXX Tradeline LLC. If an Authorized User, or a client of a Reseller is found to have a
blark file, as determined by XXX Tradeline LLC, the Authorized User/Reseller Client will
be given the option of selecting tradelines at or below the $750 Retail Price.
5. Refund. In addition to the refund authorized by B.1.c. of this Agreement, XXX Tradeline
LLC shall refund to Lessee all monies it has received from Lessee if XXX Tradeline LLC
receives verifiable written documentation from Lessee, as well as a legible copy of the
Lessee’s valid Social Security card containing the same Social Security Number
submitted by Lessee through XXX Tradeline LLC website, that the addition of Lessee
as an authorized user on one or more credit card accounts does not appear on at least
one (1) of Lessee’s three (3) credit reports within sixty (60) calendar days following the.
first expected reporting date of that credit card account to the credit bureaus,
1. Refunds will not be made if Lessee is unable to prove the validity of a Social
Security Administration issued Social Security Number, and no refunds will be
made except as set forth in this provision, subject to Sections 5 and 6 (below) of
this Agreement
2. Representative of XXX Tradeline LLC must receive written notification from
Lessee of any non-reporting tradelines purchased with the expectation of the
tradeline’s history reporting to their credit report(s). This notification must be

received by XXX Tradeline LLC no more than 14 calendar days following the
first expected reporting date of that tradeline to the Lessee’s credit fles).
3. In order to qualify for a refund of any kind, the Lessee must provide Tradeline
LLC with a current copy of all three credit reports at the time that
notification is made informing XXX Tradeline LLC that the tradefine did not
appear on at least one (1) of Lessee’s three (3) credit reports.
4. I XXXTradeline LLC is informed of & non-reporting tradeline more than 14
calendar days following the first expected reporting cycle, and the tradeline does
not appear on at least one (1) of Lessee’s credit reports within the (60) day time
frame, Lessee will be subject only to receiving in-store credit equal o the amount
paid to XXX Tradeline LLC only LLC by Lessee.
5. A cash refund will not be granted if XXX Tradeline LLC has not received fair
warning, as outlined above, of the failure of a tradeline’s history reporting 10 the
Lessee’s credit report(s),
6. If you have placed a Fraud Alert on your credit reports, it must be removed by
calling each one of the credit bureaus prior to adding tradelines. If Fraud Alerts
not removed, the tradelines might not report accurately. A refund will not be
provided in this case.
6. Proof of Non-Performance:
If you purchased a tradeline that you believe has not posted, please wait to call us unil it
has been at least 10 days past the estimated reporting date listed.
Once it has been at least 10 days past the estimated reporting date please create a free and Experian account.
Confirm the following
1. Confirm the tradeline is not being reported on either TransUnion or Equifax in
your Credit Karma account.
2. Confirm your Credit Karma account has been updated at least 7 days past the
estimated reporting date for the tradeline.
3. Confirm the tradeline is it being reported on,
7. (Note: Credit Karma only updates their data every 7 days so you must confirm that your
Credit Karma account has been updated at least 7 days past the estimated reporting date
of the tradeline.)
If you are able to confirm both of these points above, then you may request a refund on
that tradeline.
Instructions On Requesting A Refund

All refund requests must be in writing. Please send us an email to
RealChriswyatt@gmail.com_or go to our page NON-POSTING FORM and fill out the
non-posting form with the following information:
1. Your Name
2. The Card and Bank Name for the tradeline you are requesting a refund on.
3. Date of purchase
4. The date your Credit Karma account was last updated
5. Your user name and password for your Credit Karma and Experian account so
we can confirm the non-posting
8. Our Refund department will confirm this information within two (2) business days and
contact you. The refund department is closed on weekends. Requests made after 14
calendar days following the first expected reporting cycle will receive store credit equal to
‘amount paid by lessee.
9. Termination for Cause.
1. If XXX Tradeline LLC becomes aware that Lessee has defaulted on a loan or
mortgage agreement of any kind during the term of this Agreement, then
XXX Tradeline LLC shall have the right to immediately terminate all authorized
user tradelines of Lessee without prior oral or written notice 1o Lessee.
2. The use of legitimate, fraudulent or unauthorized information to obtain credit
services are immoral and possibly illegal. This includes, but is not limited to,
Lessee’s submission of an alternate Social Security Number, CPN, EIN or other
similar information that is false, fraudulent or unauthorized. XXX Tradeline LLC
shall have the right to immediately and without prior oral or written notice
terminate this Agreement and all services upon discovery of any such use or
submission by Lessee.
3. Norefund of any kind shall be made to Lessee for any monies paid by Lessee to
XXX Tradeline LLC in the event of termination pursuant to this section.
10. Termination for Convenience. XXX Tradeline LLC may terminate this Agreement for
convenience upon seven (7) calendar days advance written notice to Lessee. This
Agreement and all authorized user tradelines of Lessee then in effect shall terminate as

of the date specified in the "Written Notice of Termination for Convenience.” XXX
TRADELINE LLC will refund a pro rata share of the lease payment made by Lessee.
11. No Representation, Warranty. o Guarani ACH PMO Tradeline LLC DOES NOT
12. Limitation of Liability. The liability of XXX Tradeline LLC for any type of alleged
Claimed by Lessee because of an alleged material breach of this Agreement or any other
action or omission by XXX Tradeline LLC, whether in contract,tort or otherwise, shall
be limited to the lease amount paid by Lessee to XXX Tradeline LLC under this
1. Term of Agreement, This Agreement shall become effective upon XXX Tradeline LLC’s
Receipt Of the Agreement signed by Lessee and shall remain in effect, unless terminated
earlier, unii the end of the lease term described in C.2 below. This Agreement may be
renewed or extended only with the prior written and mutual consent of both parties (o this
2. Authorized User Position Lease Term, Unless renewed or extended by mutual agreement
of the parties in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the lease term for any.
authorized user positon shall expire sixy (50) calendar days from the date that Lessee
was successfully added as an authorized user.
1. Authority to Act. Each party warrants to the other party thal the pariy possesses actual,
legal authority to enter into this Agreement. XXX Tradeline LLC warrants to Lessee that
ACH PMO Tradeline LLC has taken all actions required by its procedures, by-laws, andlor
applicable implementing laws to exercise that authority, and to lawfully authorized s
undersigned signatory to execute this Agreement on its behalf.
2. Assignment. Lessee shall not assign any rights of Lessee nor delegate any duties of

Lessee under this Agreement without the prior written consent of XXX Tradeline LLC.
3. Binding Effect.Except as otherwise provided for herein,this Agreement shall inure to the
benefit of, and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and
permitted assigns.
4. Force Majeure. Neither party shall be liable in damages or have the right {o terminate this
Agreement for any delay or default in performing hereunder f such delay or defaultis
caused by conditions beyond its control including, but not limited to Acts of God,
Government restrictions (including the denial or cancellation of any export to other
necessary license), wars, insurrections and or any other cause beyond the reasonable
control of the party whose performance is affected.
5. Modification and Amendment. No modification of this Agreement shall be effective unless
That modification is agreed to by both parties in writing. Any such written modification
shall become an amendment to this Agreement and shall become effective as of the date
Set forth in that written amendment
6. Representatives and Nolice. For the purpose of this Agreement, the individuals identified in
‘agreement are hereby designated as representatives of the respective parties to this
Agreement for
nolice purposes.
7. All notices that are required or permitted to be given by the parties hereunder may be made
electronic mai; hand delivery; by first class mail, postage prepaid; or, by certified mail, return
requested, to the individuals identified above at the addresses set forth above. Either party may
from time to time.
to time designate in writing substitute persons or addresses to which such notices shall be sent.
7. Severability. If any provision hereof is invalid or unenforceable, then, to the fullest extent
permitted by law, the other provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect and
there shall be deemed substituted for the provision at issue a valid, legal, and
enforceable provision as similar as possible to the provision at issue in order to carry out
the intentions of the parties hereto as nearly as may be possible.
8. Waiver, The failure by any of the parties to enforce at any time, or for any period of time,
any one or more of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, or a course of dealing
between the parties, shall not be a waiver of such terms or conditions or of such party’s
right thereafter to enforce each and every term and condition of this Agreement.
9. Venue and Jury Trial Waiver. The exclusive venue for any action related to disputes

arising out of the making, performance or breach of this Agreement shall be the state
courts located within Marion County, Indiana.. THE PARTIES EXPRESSLY AND
10. This Authorized User Lease Agreement (‘Agreement’)is intended to be a binding
agreement made by and between XXX Tradeline LLC, and the undersigned client
(hereinafter “Client’), hereinafter referred 1o as "Lessee". By signing this agreement,
Client certifies that helshe is at least 18 years of age, that the information he/she has.
provided to ACH PMO Tradeline LLC is true and complete, that heishe is legally authorized to
enter into this agreement and authorize the actions of XXX Tradeline LLC as set forth
herein, and that helshe will not use any of XXX TRADELINE LLC the services of XXX  Tradeline LLC or any
information provided by XXX TRADELINE LLC for any unlawful purpose.
5. Choice of Law. This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws, rules, and
regulations of the state of Texas without regard to its conflicts of law principles.
6. Entire Agreement and Integration Clause. This Agreement integrates the whole of al
‘and understandings of any sort or character between the parties concerning the subject matter
the Agreement and any other dealings between the parties and supersedes all prior
discussions, or agreements of any sort whatsoever, whether oral or written, relating to the
matter of this Agreement. There are no representations, agreements, or inducements, except as
set forth expressly and specifically in this Agreement. There are no unwritten, oral, or verbal
understandings, agreements, or representations of any sort whatsoever.
9. Choice of Law. This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws, rules, and
regulations of the state of Texas without regard to its conflicts of law principles.
10. Entire Agreement and Integration Clause. This Agreement integrates the whole of all

‘and understandings of any sort or character between the parties concerning the subject matter
the Agreement and any other dealings between the parties and supersedes all prior
discussions, or agreements of any sort whatsoever, whether oral or written, relating to the
matter of this Agreement. There are no representations, agreements, or inducements, except as
set forth expressly and specifically in this Agreement. There are no unwritten, oral, or verbal
understandings, agreements, or representations of any sort whatsoever.

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