Canada Revenue Agency,

T1 Processing Review,

St. John’s NL A1B 0C2



My name is ___________________________, a former student of Ottawa Aviation Services Inc.,. I enrolled for the Integrated Airline Transport Pilot (IATP) course and paid a sum of $ 49,523. I am writing this appeal to show cause that I have failed to obtain Form T2202, Tuition and Enrolment Certificate despite it being an important requirement for me to prove my former status as a student to claim my school tuition for aviation training. 

I am a former student of Ottawa Aviation Services Inc. It is subject to a contract between Ottawa Aviation Services and I dated November 14, 2018. The said institution was to provide an Integrated Airline Transport Pilot (IATP) course to become an airline pilot. The contract was to remain effective for 18 months. However, the institution ceased to operate on December 12, 2019, and since then, it has been closed hence my failure to obtain Form T2202. 

As and when the institution was closing, I had paid a total of $ 49,000 out of the required $ 84, 784.00 which is the required amount for completion of the program. When the institution closed down, a total of $ 23 393 remained unutilized, and there is a suit in court for compensation of that amount and other relevant damages. The Case number for the said suit is _____________________. 

Kindly consider the unfortunate turn of events, i.e., the school is currently closed; hence I cannot obtain the required T2202 form. I paid a sum of $ 49 523 to the institution; hence failure to reimburse me would be unfair considering the institution closed down.

Thank you for your kind consideration.


Yours Sincerely,

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