This Business Contract (hereinafter the “Agreement”) is entered on this ______ day
of _______ 20__ by and BETWEEN XXXX LTD (hereinafter referred to as the
“Client”) and XXX LTD (hereinafter referred to as the "Provider").
Together referred to as "parties."
1. Services.
The parties herein agree that the Provider shall provide delivery to the client at the
agreed rates and terms indicated below.
2. Term.
Parties agree that the terms herein shall be binding upon the parties for ____ years.
3. Orders.
Parties herein agree that the client will make sure that all orders are prepared and
ready at the time the parties have confirmed herein, which is 4 pm, so that orders
can be delivered by the Provider at the agreed time, before 9 pm.
4. Acceptance.
The client will be deemed to have accepted the terms and obligations herein upon
signing this Agreement and vice versa.
5. Payment Details.
The Provider shall send via a link every Friday an invoice for the client to choose
whether they are doing pay immediately or payment will be made in 30 days.
Parties herein agree that this is vital as it could be a reason for the Provider would
consider termination of this Agreement, as the Provider requires the payment to pay
their drivers.
The payment of the weekly rates agreed upon are as follows; –
 Over 100 deliveries – £8.00 per drop
 Under 100 deliveries – £10.00 per drop.
 Under 50 deliveries – £12.50 per drop
6. Delivery Requirements.
The Provider shall provide drivers to ensure all work/order is completed and done on
The Provider shall provide live tracking of the deliveries/orders, and the client will be
able to communicate with the Provider’s drivers via the Provider’s app.

The Provider will keep the client updated if any delays occur while the drivers are on
the roads delivering the client’s items.
7. Intellectual Property.
Parties agree that the client will retain ownership of any data, information, or
intellectual property shared with the Provider in the cause of the performance of this
Any intellectual property that relates to the Provider’s business shall be the
Provider’s property.
8. Confidentiality.
Both parties acknowledge that during the performance of the services herein, parties
may come across information that is considered confidential. Parties agree not to
disclose this information to any third parties without prior written consent from the
other party unless the information is shared with the employees during the cause of
the performance of the duties and obligations herein, who shall not disclose the
confidential information with any third parties without the written consent from the
other party.
9. Governing Law.
Parties herein agree that the provisions of this Agreement shall be construed in
accordance with the laws of The United Kingdom.
10. Indemnification.
The client agrees to hold harmless the Provider against all claims, liabilities, or
damages that may arise from the performance of the terms contained herein except
when such loss or damages is from the Provider’s negligence, to which they will hold
harmless the client from any liabilities or damages.
11. Termination.
Either party to this Agreement may terminate the terms herein by issuing a 28 days’
prior written notice to the other party.
12. Force Majeure.
Neither party herein shall be held liable for failure or delay in performing the
obligations and duties set herein or be deemed to be in breach of these Terms if
such failure, delay, or the breach, was caused by Acts of God, natural disaster, war,
government restrictions or any other reasonable causes beyond the control of either

13. Entire Agreement.
The terms and provisions contained in this Agreement constitute the entire
Agreement between the parties and supersede any prior written or oral agreements
or promises.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, parties have caused this Agreement to be executed on
the date herein below (the “Effective date”).
By The CLIENT; –
Email Address:

Email Address:

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