






Dear Sir/Madam,


I am writing to request your support to further my studies. I have been your employee since [ENTER DATE]. I have been doing my job with the utmost dedication. I tried my best to provide excellent service. To a reasonable extent, I believe I have made an exceptional contribution to your Institution as I have also experienced significant professional growth and experience. 

Throughout my employment at your respected establishment, I have noticed that there is a shortage of highly technical engineers in the unit. There is also a need for a subject matter expert to deal with the high technical projects that the company is facing. If I obtain my Ph.D., I will fill the gap and provide the much-needed skills. I will be better equipped to accept more responsibility, keep up to date with industry trends, build brand recognition, and learn from other key players in the industry. Besides, I would be in a better position to pass on the new skills to my colleagues and members of my team. 

Your Institution is committed to promoting career-advancement for all your employees. Besides, companies use the training and development of employees as a way of investing in people already proven to deliver. Therefore, your support of my studies would spell productivity for your Institution. 

I already found an institution offering the Ph.D. program I need. [Enter details of the Institution]. The program would last for [Enter time] and will cost a total of [Enter Amount]. I request for full support of the cost. 

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Please let me know what you think about it. 



[Your Name]

[Your Employment Code]

[Your Address]


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