To whom it may concern,

I wish to pursue a claim for compensation in relation to wrong medication given to me at [Name and address of Hospital/Treatment Center] by [Name of pharmacist(s) responsible] on 17th Sept 2020.

Particulars of the claim

On [Date when the incident happened], I was given a wrong medication after the pharmacist mentioned above carelessly mixed my rightful medication with a non-prescribed medication. As a result, that mixture caused me mental and physical health issues. All the necessary documents to support my claim have been attached to this letter.

5th Oct 2020, is the date when the wrong medication was discovered by [who helped you discover the wrong medication? If it is a health facility, state the name of that facility]. The non- prescribed item found in my medication is labeled s489 a vyvanse medication for ADHD. The prescribed medication however is labeled MYLAN 1101 prazosin.  The type of medication that I take is labeled ______________.

For this reason, I hold the pharmacist and any other defendant responsible for proceeding in acts that have directly affected my health. Unless the aforementioned issues are resolved, this letter formally places the respondent(s) on notice of the legal requirements concerning document retention and expect the respondent(s) and the necessary associates to honor such requirements. 

The respondent(s) have a legal obligation to maintain and preserve any and all documents, materials, and information, in any form whatsoever, which may be potentially relevant to the subject matter, or discoverable in any potential action arising from this matter.

It is in the best interest of both parties to resolve this matter as soon as possible. To that effect, I esteem it indispensable to request for a meeting first so that we can settle this issue. The amount that I am requesting so as to settle this claim is ________________. If there is no response by [DATE___________________, 20____, then it shall be my right to pursue any and all available legal and equitable remedies, including, but not limited to, instituting formal litigation proceedings against the parties responsible.  

The matters set forth herein are intended for settlement purposes only and are strictly confidential in all respects. They may not be used for any other purpose other than this intended purpose in any proceeding that may be commenced by either party in any court, tribunal, or arbitration, pursuant to the laws located in the State of ___________________. 





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