





It is my wish to run a gambling website where I will be selling game tips. The purpose for this memorandum is to affirm that I understand the laws in regards to internet gambling in Australia. My area of operation is Victoria. I believe I am ready to run an online gambling firm where I will be allowed to sell tips and odds for those interested in the same.


I would like to promote gambling in Victoria, Australia. I have read and understood every law that concerns gambling. My attorney has given me guidance on the same. Apart from the laws, I have also gone through the penalties for breach or any illegality involved in the world of online betting. I shall state some of those laws and regulations relevant to the business I would like to run. 


The legislations that I familiarized myself with the following;

  1. Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation which provides for the creation of the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation;
  2. Gambling Regulation Act of 2003 which governs the conduct of gambling activities in Victoria other than the casino. The objective of the Act is to foster responsible gambling in order to: (i) minimize harm caused by problem gambling, and (ii) accommodate those who gamble without harming themselves or others.


Gambling Regulations 2015

The Gambling Regulations 2015 prescribe detailed regulations on the operation of different forms of gambling, including gaming machines, wagering and betting, trade promotion lotteries, raffles and bingo.


Interactive Gambling Act 2001Online gambling is regulated by the Australian government under the Interactive Gambling Act 2001. This Act is regulated by the Department of Communications and the Arts, and prohibits online gambling, with the exception of Australian licensed companies providing race and sports betting services, and supplying lottery tickets.


According to the law, access of online gambling services is not illegal to the extent allowed by the law. it is my honest belief that I shall comply with all these laws and regulations once I get the license to do so.


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