This agreement is made by and between TOWN AND CITY DELIVERY, LLC of address Garden St. Titusville, FL 32792 and [NAME OF CLIENT] of address [ADDRESS] on [DATE].

  • Site Survey 

Technician shall do a walk-through of the location to be fixed and fill out site survey herein. The survey shall be signed by the customer prior before any service is performed.

  • Work to be performed by Technician (Check all that apply)
  • TV Mount Installation
  • Appliance Installation
  • Furniture Assembly
  • Fitness Equipment Assembly
  • Handyman Service
  • Other ______________________________(state or describe the service)
  • Before Service Site Survey Form. (Check where applicable)
  • I have checked floors for scratches or water damage (wood floor, tile, marble etc.). Check for stains or any damage to carpet. If none, write N/A.____________________________
  • I have checked walls for chipped paint, scuff marks, scratches, indentations, water damage etc. If none, write N/A. ____________________________
  • If you need to go up or down a flight of stairs, be sure to check steps and banister for any damage or loose spindles. If none, write N/A. ______________


I (customer signature) _________________________________________acknowledge the following preexisting conditions where applicable.

  • After Services Site Survey Form. (Check where applicable)
  • No Electrical damage was done to premises and/or product(s) by technician(s) during and after installation/assembly.
  • No damages were made to my premises and/or product(s) by technician(s) during and after installation/assembly.
  • I am completely satisfied that the equipment is properly installed/assembled and working.
  • The technician cleaned-up their work space completely.
  • No water leaks and/or water damage was found after completion of installation/assembly. 


Customers Signature: ______________________________________________________________

By my signature, I state the product(s) have been installed, assembled and/or delivered to my satisfaction. I also state that no damage was done to my property or premises, unless otherwise stated above. 

  • Payment

Payment shall be made upon the completion of the assigned work/service. Payment shall either be in cash or card. Checks are not accepted.

  • Governing laws

This agreement shall be governed, interpreted and construed in accordance to the laws of the State of Florida.

  • Term and Termination
    1. This agreement shall be effective from the effective date to the completion of the service.
    2. Unless otherwise mutually agreed to in writing, upon the termination of this Agreement, any arrangement of service tied to this agreement then in effect will immediately terminate. 
    3.  Violation of any part of this agreement, including giving of misleading information in regards to the job to be done, shall immediately terminate this agreement. 


In Witness Whereof, this Agreement is duly executed by the duly authorized representatives of the parties as set forth below:


Technician                                                      Customer

Town and City Delivery, LLC                            Name: ______________________________

Garden St. Titusville, FL 32792                Address: _______________________________

321-300-9932                                         Phone #:_______________________________


Signature:                                                        Signature:


________________________                        ________________________


Date:                                                                 Date: 


________________________                        _______________________


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