THIS SALE is made this……………… day of………………, by and between [Name of Vendor] of address [Address] (hereafter, “the vendor”), and [Name of Purchaser] of address] (herein “the purchaser”) 

WHEREAS the said vendor is carrying on e-commerce business with Amazon; 

WHEREAS the said purchaser has agreed with the said vendor for purchase by him of all the interest and goodwill in the said business, stock-in-trade, effects and the premises on which the said business is being carried on, at the price of $ 2500 and upon the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned;

WHEREAS the said vendor has delivered to the said purchaser the full details of the Amazon account to be bought and engagements to which he is liable in respect of the said business.


  1. In pursuance of this agreement and in consideration of the sum of $ 2500 paid by the purchaser to the vendor, the receipt whereof the vendor hereby acknowledges, and also in consideration of the agreement hereinafter contained on the part of the purchaser, vendor does hereby convey, assign and make over to the purchaser, all the beneficial interest and goodwill of the vendor in the Amazon Account to be purchased at the date of this Deed that belonged to the vendor and is hereby conveyed to the purchaser absolutely;
  2.  The said Amazon account shall be sold as is with $ 4000 inventory. The account is currently suspended and it is the responsibility of the purchaser to work with Amazon Performance Team to activate the account.
  3. The said vendor has full right to sell and assign the account to the purchaser and will not at any time hereafter revoke, annul and make void the aforesaid power or authority hereby given to the purchaser, or do or execute or knowingly or willingly suffer any act, deed or thing, whereby the said purchaser may be prevented from having and receiving the said Amazon Account, to and for his own use and benefit, or by means whereof the purchaser shall be injured in the said e-commerce business;
  4. AND THIS DEED ALSO WITNESSES, that in pursuance of the said agreement in this behalf and in consideration of the premises, the purchaser does hereby agree with the vendor that he, the purchaser, will, from time to time and at all times hereafter, keep harmless and indemnify the vendor and his estate and effects from and against any and all liabilities that may arise as a result of this agreement of sale.
  5.  IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said vendor and the said purchaser have hereto respectively signed on the _____________day, ________-month and the year above-written.

Vendor Purchaser

Signature Signature

________________________ ____________________________


Date Date

__________________________ ____________________________

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