This EVENT SPACE RENTAL AGREEMENT (‘’this Agreement’’) is entered into by and between [name of business] of address [ADDRESS] (“Service Provider/ Company”) and [NAME] of address [ADDRESS] (“Client”) on [DATE] (Effective date).



Event Details

Event Name: ____________________________________________________

Event Date: _______________ Set –Up Time: _________________

Event Start Time: ____________ Event End Time: ________________

Wrap Time: _______________ Number of Attendees: ____________

Client’s details

Address: __________________________________ City: __________________ 

State: ___________________ Zip_____________________ 

Contact: _______________________________ Primary Phone: ___________________

Secondary Phone: _______________________

Email address: _____________________________________________________




A signed contract and date-hold 50% deposit of the costs associated with the event space rental must be received to reserve your date(s) and time(s). The balance of your space rental fee is due thirty (30) days prior to your event. Any additional costs that arise will be due within two (2) days of your event. No terms are implied or granted and no work will be allowed to commence until payment is received.


Special Event Liability insurance is required of all renters and is due no later than _________ days prior to your event. The insurance must, at the renter’s sole expense, provide and maintain general liability insurance, including but not limited to bodily injury and property damage liability, insuring Company’s events, the Company employees, contractors and contracted vendors against all bodily injury, property damage, personal injury and other loss arising out of renter’s use and occupancy of the premises, or any other occupant on the premises, including appurtenances to the premises and sidewalks. The insurance required hereunder shall have a single limit liability of not less than $1 million, and general aggregate liability of not less than $2 million.  [NAME OF COMPANY] shall be named as an additional insured of said policy.

If alcohol is served at the event your policy must include Liquor Liability coverage. This coverage should protect you, and our Company against alcohol-related accidents, as you are ultimately liable for the safety of your guests. Any caterers and/or outside vendors, companies, and/or institutions must provide certificate of insurance, evidencing General Liability and Liquor Liability coverage, as well as a copy of their Cater License and will be delivered at least seven (7) days prior to the event.

CONTACT OF NAME/COMPANY INSURED: ____________________________________________ 



Renter agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the Company, its landlord, building owners, officers, employees, and agents harmless of and from any liabilities, costs, penalties, or expenses arising out of and/or resulting from the rental and use of the premises, including but not limited to, the personal guarantee of provision, service, and dispensing of payment by renter, its employees, and agents of alcoholic beverages at the Company’s Events and the Company.

In the event the Company, its landlord, building owners, officers, employees and/or agents, are required to file any action in court in order to enforce any provisions of this agreement, renter agrees to pay the Company, its officers, landlord, building owners, employees and/or agents, all reasonable attorney fees, court fees, and costs of suit incurred by the Company including all collection expenses and interest due.


Date-Hold deposit is non-refundable.

In the event of an Event cancellation caused by the client(s), all payments made hereunder to JGE are non-refundable to Couple and all outstanding payment due to vendors are the responsibility of client and may be due based upon the cancellation policies of the vendors.

Should the Event be canceled by any cause other than an Act of God (i.e. natural disaster, death in the family or sudden injury or illness) up to 30 days prior to the Event, the Client will owe any costs to vendors due to cancellation. JGE Company requires 50% of remaining balance within a 3-month window of canceling the Event. Should the Event be cancelled by any other cause other than an Act of God after 30 days prior to the event, Client owes 100% of the remaining balance to JGE Company and any other costs to vendors based on individual vendor.


Renter Initials: _________ Date: _____________________ 


The Company retains the right to use client’s event photos for advertisement purposes.


The invalidity or unenforceability, in whole or in part, of any provision in this Agreement, shall not affect in any way the remainder of the provisions herein.


Except as otherwise specifically agreed in writing by the parties, any dispute relating to any rights and/ or obligations arising from this Agreement which is not resolved through mediation shall be adjudicated by any court of competent jurisdiction.


All notices, requests, demands, consents, approvals or other communications given hereunder or in connection herewith shall be in writing, shall be sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, or by hand delivery with acknowledged receipt of delivery, shall be deemed given on the date of acceptance or refusal of acceptance shown on such receipt, and shall be addressed to the party to receive such notice at the following applicable address:

Any party may, by notice given as aforesaid, change its or his address for all subsequent notices.


 This Agreement shall be deemed to have been made, executed, and delivered in North Carolina and shall be construed per the laws of North Carolina, USA.


In Witness of whom, this Agreement is duly executed by the duly authorized representatives of the parties as set forth below:


Company Client


Signature: ____________________________ Signature: _______________________


Date_________________________: Date: ________________________________


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