

Institutional Affiliation:

Question One

The issue in this case is whether the statements made by Star B are defamatory. For one to allege defamation, the statements must be false, they must be defamatory in nature and they must have been said to another party other than the plaintiff alleging defamation. According to Actor A, the statements made by Star B’s lawyer to the newspaper are false. Black’s Law Dictionary defines a defamatory statement as a statement or communication tending to harm a person’s reputation by subjecting the person to public contempt, disgrace, or ridicule, or by adversely affecting the person’s business. Calling Actor A a habitual liar who has a history of careless and risky behaviour is defamatory since the statement harms Actor A’s reputation. Star B can use truth as a defence to the defamation suit brought by Actor A. If Star B can prove that indeed Actor A is a habitual liar who has a history of careless and risky behaviour, then Actor A’s suit will be dismissed.


Question Two

The issue in this case scenario is whether the post written by Private X is defamatory in nature. There are three elements that must be proved for a defamation suit to succeed. The statement must be false, it must be defamatory and it must have been said to a third party. In Frenemy Y’s opinion, the statement by Private X is not true. It is defamatory in nature since writing that Frenemy Y’s carelessness cost him his job injures his reputation and future employers would not be able to hire Frenemy Y. The statement was made by Private X on Facebook, a social media platform with many users. Truth is a defence a defendant in a defamation suit can use. If Private X can prove in a court of law that the statement he made is true, then Frenemy Y’s suit would not hold up in court.

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