
Institutional Affiliation:


IDEO Structure

IDEO has a unique organizational structure; there is no corporate hierarchy or management structure. This unique organizational structure has been critical to the success of IDEO. For instance, the creation of prototypes involves teamwork. Junior and senior employees come together to create various prototypes. They apply the principle of trial and error. Many prototypes that seem unreliable are created. Junior and senior employees come together and brainstorm to make important changes and improve the quality of the prototypes. Those prototypes are the success of IDEO. Without prototypes, there is no IDEO. The cooperation between junior and senior employees is very critical to the operations of IDEO.

There is a culture of optimism at IDEO. There is a belief at IDEO that when something is created, and it does not work, it can be improved to suit the preferences of the market audience. That has led to the creation of many prototypes, which are the backbone of IDEO. A culture of pessimism would imply that once something is created and it does not work, or it is not suitable for the market audience, it is discarded, and attention shifted to another project. Such a culture would not have led to the success of IDEO. The culture of optimism is what drives employees at IDEO to keep trying once something does not work. Ambiguity is embraced at IDEO. This is important. It helps employees know that there is always an alternative to everything. Ambiguity makes the employees know that they have the freedom to explore other options in case something fails. Learning from mistakes and failure is part of the culture at IDEO. People make mistakes every day. The important thing is to learn from them and move on. Learning from mistakes helps employees to improve their skills since they learn how to do things better through experience. As a result, their output is of high quality. The culture at IDEO incorporates the belief in collaborating with others and making others successful. IDEO has worked on successful projects with successful companies such as Baxter International, Apple Computers, Philips, Steelcase, NEC Corporation, AT&T, and Amtrak. The success of those companies has also contributed to the success of IDEO since they collaborated and worked together in making some products available in the market today. The notion of ‘Talk less, do more’ is taken seriously at IDEO and incorporated into the core values. Unlike many companies, IDEO is not known for publicity. The products created by IDEO do the publicity (IDEO, 2020).

The Visor Project

Persuading Handspring’s management to change its aggressive launch schedule is going to be an uphill task. This is because the schedule is incorporated in Handspring’s business structure. An organization’s structure is key to its success. Different organizations have different structures. It will not be easy for Handspring to change its structure. However, IDEO has a flexible structure. The culture comprises of optimism and ambiguity, among others. Those would come in handy during a scenario whereby convincing Handspring’s management to change its aggressive launch schedule becomes an uphill task. Optimism will make the employees know that it is possible to collaborate with Handspring and make a breakthrough in the project. Ambiguity will make employees know that there are other options apart from the prototype schedule. They will explore various ways of making the aggressive launch schedule applied by Handspring work. That is what has always been done at IDEO. The culture at IDEO comprises of various core values. Those core values have contributed to the success of IDEO. If applied well in collaboration with Handspring, they will contribute to the success of the project. IDEO should take up the Visor Project since their culture allows them to work with other companies on various profitable projects (Thomke & Nimgade, 2017). 


IDEO. (2020). About IDEO. Retrieved from IDEO:

Thomke, S., & Nimgade, A. (2017). IDEO. Harvard Business School, 1-21.

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