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Dear Sir/Madam,


With great hesitation, I would like to address some concerns. I am writing in regards to my employment contract. I fully know that all three business 203 West Wycombe Road, 237 West Wycombe Road and 2 Sawpit Hill are owned by the same company Stepping Stones. I initially used to work at both 203 West Wycombe Road and 237 West Wycombe Road however once Khadija became the manager after Shamim left she refused me working at 237 West Wycombe Road without giving a justifiable reason. 

In the past, Ayesha had bullied me and a complaint letter was sent to Sheila. Sheila did not take any formal action even though the bullying occurred in her presence. In addition to this Ayesha refused to let me work at 237 West Wycombe Road and her reason was that she thinks I don’t pay any bills. This is discrimination and management are saying that I cannot work at 237 West Wycombe Road because there are female service users there and personal care is involved.

Although there are female service users at 237 West Wycombe Road and personal care is involved one staff member Hubert works there and he is a male staff member. This is unfair and management have done favouritism. I have emailed Sheila and formal grievance letter however she has not taken any action regarding it.

The other issues have not been resolved and in addition to this when I emailed Sheila the letter, she said that she agrees with what has written but most of it was to do with family issues. Staff members Khadija and Ayesha should not take family issues into the workplace and should not disclose what I do in my personal life and this is unprofessional and irrelevant. 

Sheila also said that once new service users come into 237 West Wycombe road that I can have my job back when I mentioned that if this was still the case if female service users come in, Sheila replied yes but you won’t be able to do personal care. When I asked Sheila to sign a letter saying that she refused and said she is not going to do that. 

On 4th February 2021 Sheila, Hazel and I had a meeting at 2 Sawpit Hill. Sheila mentioned that I cannot work at 237 West Wycombe Road anymore because she said that she is getting female service users and personal care would be involved which I cannot do. 

Although personal care is involved with female service users, Sheila is implying she only wants female staff at 237 West Wycombe Road. This is unfair because one staff member Hubert works at 237 West Wycombe Road and this is also discrimination. 

This was not mentioned in the job advert that only female staff can work at 237 West Wycombe Road. 

In addition to this, I have been asked to work with a new client at 2 Sawpit Hill. This client has a variety of learning disabilities such as Parkinson’s disease. I have not had the training for this and on top of this, both Sheila and Hazel have said that this is a trial shift before I started the job. 

Sheila also said that if I do not take this job, she does not know what I can do because I cannot come back to 237 West Wycombe Road as she is looking to get female service users. 

Sheila also refused to let me come to a party which was held at 237 West Wycombe Road. Sheila emailed me the following message: 

“Hope you are well. I’m not sure if you are aware but we are having a lunch today at 237 West Wycombe road to say thankyou to staff for all their hard work. Unfortunately, Idris you have not been here for a while now and you are now employed at Sawpit Hill, therefore I can’t allow you to attend the lunch as you are not part of the bubble and you have not been vaccinated. I will however ensure that Shamim will take some food home for you to enjoy. I’m sorry you can’t attend but I must protect the service users and staff at 237 WWR. “

When signing my work contract, I did not agree to be moved from one business to another. 

I would like to take my previous formal grievance letter to HR and this formal grievance letter as well.

In accordance with the Employment Rights Act 1996 and Section 6 of the 2010 Equality Act, I am protected from being sacked or chosen unfairly for redundancy and I am safeguarded against unlawful discrimination by my employer. 

Keeping in view the above circumstances, I request you to take strict action against Ayesha and Sheila. I hope that you will do something to stop their behaviour.

Thank you for your time and understanding.




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