Insert Your Name

Insert Your Student No.

Insert Your Address

Your Phone Number

Your Email


Insert Date


The Chairperson, 

University Exam Board

Insert Name of University

Insert University’s Address


Dear Prof./Dr./Mr./Ms. Insert Chairperson’s Last Name,


My name is Insert Your Full Name, and I am a Insert Year of Study year student here at Insert Name of University. I am writing to you today as I wish to make a formal complaint about a negative mark on my essay. 

I submitted a well-structured essay on the question, “What are the learnings from Covid-19 for regulatory authorities and industry? Please give 3 meaningful examples.” My essay answered the question asked but the invigilator deemed it fit to award me grade ‘D’(fail). I admit that I misunderstood regulatory emphasis instead of political emphasis. I also have reason to believe that the invigilator gave me that mark because I accidentally forgot to put my name on my essay. That I forgot to put my name on my essay is not enough to be given grade ‘D’(fail).

The invigilator’s actions have had a detrimental effect on my combined mark for the module by bringing the whole combined mark into the ‘C-’ category. However, if the mark for this essay would have been, for instance, ‘C-’, my combined mark for the whole module would have been ‘B’-, which is a significant difference.

I would like to state that I am a front-line First Aider working part-time with Covid-19 patients at Insert Name of Hospital

I have attached the essay I submitted and the invigilator’s marking report. I believe that these documents support my complaint. Ultimately, I am writing this letter with the hope that my complaint about a negative mark will be resolved. The resolution that I feel is fair and appropriate, and will amend the issues is a change in my essay mark from ‘D’(fail) to ‘C-’ or higher.

I appreciate the time you have taken to read this letter and consider the grievance that I have contacted you about. If you have any additional questions or would like to talk to me about resolution options, I can be contacted via Insert Phone Number and Email. I would like to have this resolved as quick as possible so that I can better fully focus on my studies and completing my Insert Name of Course course.


Respectfully Submitted,



Insert Your Full Name

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