Summary of Information regarding the approval of new ABC License for Curate, LLC.


7.12.060 – Alcoholic Beverage Control Board—Powers and duties generally.

A.Subject to the provisions of this chapter and the provisions of the Alcoholic Beverages Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as may be amended, the board may:1.Grant or deny an application for an alcoholic beverage license or for the upgrading, renewal or transfer of an alcoholic beverage license;2.Suspend or revoke an alcoholic beverage license, or take any other action permitted by law in order to secure the enforcement of all alcoholic beverage laws, ordinances, rules and regulations applicable to licensed establishments;3.Administer and enforce its rules and regulations.B.The board shall conduct a public hearing prior to:1.Acting upon an application for an alcoholic beverage license or for the renewal, upgrading or transfer of an alcoholic beverage license;2.Acting upon any proposed suspension or revocation of an alcoholic beverage license, or taking any other enforcement action permitted by law; or3.Adopting any rule or regulation.C.The board, through its chairman, may administer oaths, summon any witness and require the testimony of any witness and the production of any books, documents, records, or any other tangible item which may be of value to the board in connection with any hearing or investigation it is authorized to conduct.

(Prior code § 14-5.1(d))


(Ord. No. O-41-20, § I, 11-9-2020)


7.12.080 – Alcoholic Beverage Control Board—Appeal from.

Any action or decision of the board taken under the authority of Section 7.12.060, may be appealed to the circuit court for the County, in accordance with the procedures and requirements of the Alcoholic Beverages Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as may be amended, and the Maryland Rules of Procedure relating to appeals from decisions of administrative agencies.


(Prior code § 14-5.1(f))


(Ord. No. O-41-20, § I, 11-9-2020)


(i.e., Anne Arundel County, MD)


Note: The board approved the new license application of Curate, LLC. I oppose the approval because there are too many restaurants that sell alcohol in our zip code, its near two churches, it contributes to the DUI’s and drunk and disorderly conduct of people in the neighborhood. (If you have a more technical strategy for opposing, I’m open to it)


  1. I’ve included all the documents that Curate submitted.


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