Participant Contract and Agreement

Code of Conduct
While attending Fortitude during regular hours or during sponsored activities, I agree to
follow these basic rules, procedures, and expectations:

  1. Your first priority at Fortitude is to learn. No phones or technology during class.
  2. All items created during Fortitude Camps are the property of Fortitude Careers, unless
    otherwise stated.
  3. Be in the right place, at the right time, with the right equipment.
  4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself and never intentionally harm another.
  5. Use appropriate language and behavior at all times while maintaining friendly and
    courteous behavior.
  6. Be polite and respectful to everyone, including students, teachers, Fortitude staff,
    and visitors.
  7. Follow individual teacher instructions, class rules, and expectations at all times.
  8. Do not be a bully. If you see someone being bullied, intervene by telling them to stop
    or immediately report it to Fortitude personnel.
  9. Do not become a distraction for others. Give others the opportunity to maximize
    their potential. Encourage your fellow participants. Never tear them down.
  10. Fortitude attendance and participation in class are an essential part of the
    educational process. You are required to be present, prepared and prompt.
  11. No weapons, drugs or alcohol on campus at any time – no exceptions.
    Participants who do not adhere to the code of conduct will be expected to meet with
    Fortitude faculty and will self-determine the consequences, which may include expulsion
    from the program.
    Signature: ______________________________
    Printed Name: __________________
    Address: ______________________

Phone: ________________________
Date: _________________________

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