THIS ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT (“this Agreement”) is made as of [Enter Date] between VERA MULEKA of address 15630 26TH AVE W, LYNNWOOD WA 98087- 5968 (the “Assignor”) and [YOUR EX-BOYFRIEND’S NAME], of address [Enter your ex-boyfriends address] (the “Assignee”). 

WHEREAS pursuant to a previous oral agreement (the “Oral Agreement“) dated [Enter the Date you agreed to cosign on the debt] between the Assignor and Assignee, Assignor agreed to cosign, and cosigned Assignee’s debt upon Assignee’s request. Assignee promised to settle the debt and protect Assignor against any liability thereof.

WHEREAS subject to the Oral Agreement, the Assignor has the right to assign any and all liabilities pertaining to the said debt, to the Assignee; and

WHEREAS the Assignor hereby assigns and transfers to the Assignee, and the Assignee accepts the assignment and transfer from the Assignor, the liabilities under the Oral Agreement.

NOW THEREFORE this agreement witnesses that, in consideration of the premises, the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained and other valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the parties), the parties agree as follows:

    1. The Assignor ABSOLUTELY assigns, transfers, and sets over unto the Assignee all liabilities per the Oral Agreement. 
    2. The Assignee assumes, covenants, and agrees to be responsible for all liabilities and obligations of the Assignor under the Oral Agreement and the Assignee agrees that it will be bound, fully, by the Oral Agreement. 
    3. This Agreement will be read and construed together with the Oral Agreement (as described in the WITNESSETH Section of this agreement, and in the letter of debt assignment accompanying this agreement), and the liabilities of the parties hereto will be determined in accordance with the covenants, agreements, conditions, representations, and warranties made herein and in the Oral Agreement.
    4. All grants, covenants, provisos, agreements, rights, powers, privileges, and liabilities contained in this Agreement will be read and held as made by and with, granted to and imposed upon, the respective parties hereto, and their respective successors, and assigns. 
    5. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be enforceable against the parties executing such counterparts, and all of which together shall constitute a single document. Except as otherwise stated herein, in lieu of the original documents, a facsimile transmission or copy of the original documents shall be as effective and enforceable as the original. 
    6. The Assignee SHALL bear any and ALL responsibility for any injury or loss sustained by the Assignor incidental and consequential to the Assignee’s failure to fulfill his obligations under this Agreement and the Oral Agreement. 
  • This Agreement shall be construed and enforced under the laws of WASHINGTON STATE, U.S.A. Venue for any action under this Agreement shall lie in WASHINGTON STATE, U.S.A. 
  1. This agreement SHALL ONLY be terminated upon the fulfillment of the Assignee’s obligations under this Agreement and the Oral Agreement.  

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed or caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date above written.


____________________________________________          _____________________________

                  Assignor’s Signature               Date 


____________________________________________          _____________________________


                  Assignee’s Signature               Date 

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