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Webinars have been there for a long time, but with the rise in popularity of video content in major sectors like education and marketing, they are the way to go. Webinars or web seminars are video presentations, workshops, or lecturers conducted online by the use of webinar software. Virtual meetings are always interactive, business-oriented, and allow participants to interact with anyone in the world (Creelman, Árnason, & Röthler, p.3). Webinars and conferences are very engaging and can help in relationship building within organizations and learning institutions with students and tutors or lecturers. Webinars’ possibilities are endless since they can be used in many ways, including holding remote team meetings, which can be an effective way of discussions. 

Planning of webinars can be the easiest way of organizing meetings than the traditional methods of holding a forum where many resources are spent on having a significant venue for the meeting to take place and the logistics for hosting vast numbers of people. Attendants can be made up of people from around the world who can attend lectures, meetings, or live sessions in real-time (McNally, p.51). If they cannot participate in the live sessions, the conference can be recorded the recordings sent to individuals who missed the sessions, making it very flexible.

Our services

We are starting a service where we will offer services to our customers at an affordable cost. Our webinar services will help establish you as an expert in your industry. It will make you a trustworthy and reliable source of information in the industry you are dealing with. The webinar services will help you share your expertise with many people without the costs of having to incur the charges of arranging a meeting. This service will help you in training your new employees in a very interactive and fun engaging way. It will be fun when explaining work-related issues to your employees when talking rather than writing vast amounts of boring texts. The webinar seminars that are created and conducted in our services will help you in creating branding opportunities. The webinars will help you in building and creating awareness of your brand.

We are going to offer services such as training in our platforms.  If your webinar’s primary purpose is to educate your audience, then many features can help you achieve these. Training can be conducted using features such as slideshows. Slideshows are an interactive way of learning where you have pictures in motion, explaining essential terms in the industry.  The webinar presentations are accompanied by educational visuals making it enjoyable to learn and fun-like. 

We will be offering live webinars also on our platforms. Creating live videos in a seminar can help build closer relationships with your workers in conducting team meetings. The live videos are so personal that they help in showcasing the human side of your employees professionally. The webinars can help when your organization is launching a new product and does not want to host a huge corporate event for the launch; the launch could be useful while it does not cost a lot of money. Features that allow screen sharing can help educate the members by demonstrating how certain things are done. Participants can understand how things are done while they follow along with what you are doing exactly.  This feature is essential when training new team members as they will take a shorter time to understand what is done.

The service also offers educational webinars by using whiteboards and videos where it will be easily understood. Our services also offer tests and quizzes that help assess the progress of your trainees and participants. The platform is perfect for evaluating and testing the participants to know the impact of the sessions they had in terms of the knowledge base.


Our services can also be influential in ensuring that you attract new customers and help nurture and orient the people that are already on board. The relationships that you will build with people will help people come back. Your clients will also have an opportunity to ask questions as you will be more approachable. With our services, you will be able to do presentations and attract new participants.



Creelman, A., Árnason, H., & Röthler, D. (2017). Webinars as active learning arenas. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning20(2).

McNally, E. (2017). Webinars: Learning at Your Fingertips. Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin84(2), 50-52.

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