1. Subject to the Prenuptial agreement by and between XXXX, the parties represented that they have a right to obtain legal counsel concerning the Agreement; its provisions, and its effects.
  2. Notwithstanding the representations and warranties in the said Agreement, XXXXX hereby waives his right to such legal counsel with regard to the Agreement.
  3. Both Parties agree to comply with the provisions of the Prenuptial Agreement.
  4. Both Parties acknowledge and represent that this waiver of counsel is relevant to the happening of the marriage on XXXX.
  5. Both Parties agree that this waiver has been drafted for convenience purposes.
  6. This waiver shall be governed by the laws of the state of XXXX.
  7. Jonathan acknowledges that he has had at least less than 7 days to review the Prenuptial agreement.
  8. Jonathan agrees to be legally bound by this waiver, and he appends his signature as follows:

Name: XXXX

Signature: __________________

Date: XXXX

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