Article Title: Employee Satisfaction, Human Resource Management Practices and Competitive Advantage: The Case of Northern Cyprus.


General introduction

This article addresses how Human Resource Management (HRM) practices and employee satisfaction can bring about competitive advantages when it comes to the tourism industry. The area of focus is the North Cyprus where the implementation of Human Resource Management Practices is scares.

The purpose of this article focuses on exploring the impacts of human resource management practices on achieving competitive advantage through the study of the meditating role of employee satisfaction in five star hotels located at North Cyprus. The approach that was employed was the Structural equation modeling (SEM) and AMOS so as to produce numeric data and to test hypothesis. This method examined the tourism sector with its focus being the North Cyprus five star hotels. The findings after the research revealed that there is a huge connection between human resource practices and competitive advantages. This study article seeks to respond to the recommendations made by prior studies on human resource in the North Cyprus Island.

This work therefore seeks to summarize the article in question briefly. It will also analyze the article, evaluate and give recommendations for further research on the same.

Summary of the Article

As earlier mentioned in the general introduction, this article addresses how Human Resource Management (HRM) practices and employee satisfaction can bring about competitive advantages when it comes to the tourism industry. As general knowledge dictates, hotel industry is growing due to the growth in the tourism industry. The tourism industry, just like any other industry poses stiff competition. This therefore makes each establishment in the tourism sector seek an advantage over their rivals in the same industry since this is a business like any other. Competitive advantage therefore gives a firm an advantage over other rival firms therefore making it to thrive in sales. For a firm to gain an advantage over other firms, it needs to identify factors like its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats among other factors that might aid in gaining advantages over the other firms. Human resource management therefore poses as a significant resource when it comes to gaining competitive advantage since it helps the organization to reach its goals.

The Article further stated some of the human resource management practices that can be employed in order to meet the competitive advantage threshold. They include;

  • Human Resource planning

This entails the whole process to be discussed in this portion of work. The planning includes investing capital and employing workers who are skilled in their work and a well-organized staff that will help in reaching the company’s goal of having a competitive advantage.

  • Performance appraisal

Employment performance appraisal denotes a systematic evaluation by the management where the management evaluates and a feedback is provided on the employee job performance of the work assigned to them and its productivity after a certain stipulated period of time. 

  • Human resource recruitment, selection and placement

When an organization employs qualified employees, competitive advantage is achieved through their skills and the ability to perform tasks in a proper way.

  • Human resource job analysis and design

Work design aids employees show greater commitment to work therefore influences employee satisfaction. 

  • Human Resource compensation and reward

Rewards and compensation is very important since it influences the living standards of employees, productivity and in turn, employee satisfaction. 

  • Training and development

For a firm to gain competitive advantage over the others, it should consider training its personnel and employing strategies that rival firms cannot imitate easily. 

Analysis and Evaluation

This article provides the core basis of maximizing competitive advantage in the hotel industry of which five Star hotels in North Cyprus Island has not yet incorporated in this industry adequately. One of the reasons might be the lack of governmental support as noted by the author. The author presented a model that includes the three main precedents of competitive advantages which include cost advantage, service and variety of service advantage. Those three have not yet been considered hence making it hard for the competitive advantage goal to be achieved.

Directions for further research

As the author notes, there have not been comprehensive research on this topic especially theoretically. For this matter, theoretical research is needed to determine how HR practices interact with other variables with an inclusive, competitive advantage in other industries or cultural settings. 




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