Loyal & Profit







Dear [___________],


You have retained us to assist your clients with your tax planning. This letter confirms the terms of our engagement with you and outlines the nature and extent of the services we will provide.

Our Services

Bookkeeping and Compliance Services: This includes bookkeeping, payroll, bill payment, audits, reviews, and financial reporting.

Representation: This is typically before the IRS or state or local revenue departments to resolve tax and business licensing disputes. Please let us know right away if your clients receive any letters from the IRS or any other tax agency.

Technology/consulting/advisory/outsourced CFO services: These include obtaining financing, contracting, purchasing, performance-based service, data analytics, bench marking, business advisory, and lean processes.

Strategic Coaching Services: This includes support for clarifying the business and personal financial plans, developing financial forecasts, planning acquisitions, sales, mergers, retirement and succession planning.

Attestation: This includes verifying information, preparing third party reports and compilation, review or audit of financial statements.

Tax: Unless otherwise agreed, an engagement agreement for tax return preparation includes the calculation and preparation of a local tax return, if applicable, but does not include the filing of a local tax return. In most cases it is easier and more efficient for your clients to do this themselves. Most clients prefer this method. We are available to offer additional representation services on local tax issues, however, work on a local tax issue after the completion and delivery of the tax return as described here is considered to be work after the end of the engagement.

Work to be completed: We will complete the following work as part of this engagement:

  1. Read the documents that your clients provide.
  2. Read your clients’ financial plan and key financial documents that they provide. It these documents are not available then we will help your clients replace or create them.
  3. Communicate with you on behalf of your clients, by telephone and email during the engagement.
  4. When necessary, occasionally communicate with your clients, through you, to reach agreements about modification of our work under this engagement.
  5. Retain and securely store copies of records used in the preparation of our work and the resulting work product for at least as long as the period required by law and industry standards. We will return your clients’ original records to you at the end of this engagement. Your clients should securely store these records, along with all supporting documents, canceled checks, etc.
  6. Our work will not include procedures to find defalcations or other irregularities. Accordingly, our engagement should not be relied upon to disclose errors, fraud, or other illegal acts, though it may be necessary for your clients to clarify some of the information they submit. We will, of course, inform them of any material errors, fraud, or other illegal acts we discover.

Our services are provided on good faith based on our current belief about the best outcome of each work assignment, our understanding of the facts and the law, and the overall working environment. We cannot and do not guarantee results. When a third party like IRS or a court is involved, we cannot assure that reasonable, legal and fair practices will be the outcome of our work.

Collection of Information

You will act as an intermediary and help us with translation since most of your clients do not speak English. Accordingly, we will depend on you to provide all the information we need.

We may ask your clients to clarify some items but will not audit or otherwise verify the data your clients submit.

We may provide a checklist to help collect the data, and will help your clients avoid overlooking important information.


Information your clients provide to us will be kept confidential. We will restrict access to your client’s information and maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect their information.

Your clients will be solely responsible for the information we share with them. All the information shared to your clients should not be shared with the public as it is only a note and is intended for the Internal usage of your client’s businesses.

Privacy and Security

Protecting your privacy and maintaining a high level of security are our highest priorities. We follow a privacy and security policy that meets or exceeds industry standards.


Legal Obligations

The law imposes penalties when taxpayers underestimate their tax liability. Please contact us if your clients have concerns about such penalties.

Should we encounter instances of unclear tax law, or of potential conflicts in the interpretation of the law, we will outline the reasonable courses of action and the risks and consequences of each. We will ultimately adopt, on your clients’ behalf, the alternative they select.

Payment and Fees

You will be responsible to pay us for our services. Our fees will be based on the complexity of the services, and will be quoted in advance of our work.

The number of hours it will take to perform the services is not guaranteed but the hourly rate we charge is $_______ / hour. However, if complications are discovered in the process of performing our services, we may need to adjust the fee.

Before proceeding with our services, we will generally contact you in advance if our original quote requires significant revision due to the amount of work involved.

Invoices are due and payable upon presentation.

To the extent permitted by state law, an interest charge may be added to all accounts not paid within thirty (30) days.

If your clients are selected for audit by the IRS or by the state tax authorities, we are available to prepare materials in response to correspondence. However, these are additional expenses not included in our tax preparation fees and we will render additional invoices for the time and expense incurred.

End of Engagement

Unless otherwise agreed by extension agreement or as provided in an ongoing services agreement, our engagement ends with the completion of tasks assigned to us. Typically, this is the date of delivery of any completed work product documents to you.

This letter can apply to future years of tax preparation services unless the agreement is terminated or amended in writing.

To affirm that this letter correctly summarizes your understanding of the arrangements for this work, please sign the enclosed copy of this letter in the space indicated and return it to us in the envelope provided, or electronically.

Please contact us if you have any questions.








I, ______________, agree to the aforementioned terms and conditions with my hand and signature below:



Date: ________________________

Print Name: _______________________________________________

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