This Sublease Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) is made and entered on this ____ day of _____ 2021 (the “effective date”), between Home Space Comfort LLC, Contact Info ____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Company” ”Landlord” “Owner”), and _______________, Address ____________ (herein referred to as the “Tenant”) for the premises ______________ located on ___________ Address ____________ (hereinafter referred to as the “Premises”).

WHEREAS, the Company is a housing solutions company that leases properties including but not limited to apartment complexes to sublease to individuals such as travelers. 

    1. TERM.
      1. This Sublease shall commence as of _______________ and terminate on _____________, (The “Lease Term”). The date the Sublease commences shall be referred to as the “Check-in Date”. 
      2. End Of Term: At the end of the term, the Tenant shall leave the premises clean and in good condition, remove all Tenant property, and repair all unreasonable damages caused during their stay.

An advance payment equal to 50% of the rental rate is required to confirm reservations. The advance payment will be applied toward the property rental price. Payments must be made in form of bank money orders, cashier’s check, or personal check payable to Home Space Comfort. Credit/Debit card payments shall be accepted via PayPal transfer for a small fee. The Advance payment is not a damage deposit. The Balance of Rent is due Thirty (30) days prior to Check-in date.

Rental rate and fees;

Rental rate per schedule $____________________

Less Discount (if applicable) $________________

Cleaning Fees $_______________________

Sub-Total Rental Cost $_____________________

County/State tax $____________________

Total Rental Cost $__________________

Reservation/Damage Deposit $____________________

Pet Deposit (if applicable) $_________________

TOTAL Due $____________________ 

Advance payment (50% of Rental Rate)

Balance Due after deposit(s) and Advance Payment $______________ 

(Due 30 Days Before Check – in Date).


All “normal” utilities are included. In addition, basic cable television and wireless internet are included. The Tenant will be charged additional fees for the following;

*Cable charges for any programing ordered during the rental period in addition to the basic cable provided.

*Excess linens left.

*Fines or summons imposed by St. Louis County/City of the State of Missouri as a result of the Tenant’s actions.

*Fines imposed by the property unit association as a result of Tenant’s actions.

*Any damage to the property unit or its contents.


A Cleaning Fee of $_______ is due with the remaining Rental payment fourteen (14) days prior to check – in date. This constitutes 3 hours of cleaning service after the Tenant’s departure. No cleaning service is provided during the Tenant’s stay. Cleaning service charges in excess of $______ will be deducted from the Security Deposit. Rates include a one-time linen-towel preparation bed sheets setup, toilet paper and paper towels. On departure leave all used beds stripped and unmade. The last day’s towels are to be left in the bathrooms. All dinnerware, pots, pans, glasses should be cleaned and the dishwasher empty. Please disregard used food from the cabinets and refrigerator. The Tenant will be charged for excessive linens and/or unwashed dishes. Trash should be removed from the property/unit and placed in the proper receptacle outside.


A damage/reservation deposit of _________ Dollars is required. This must be paid on reservation booking time. Deposit will be held in non-interest bearing account. The damages/reservation deposit automatically converts to a security/damage deposit upon arrival. The security/damage deposit is NOT applied rent, however it is fully refundable within 14 days of departure provided the following provisions are met:

  1. No damage is done to the property or its contents, beyond normal wear and tear.
  2. No charges are incurred due to contraband pets, smoking or collection of rents or service rendered during stay.
  3. No excessive cleaning required. All debris, rubbish and discards are placed in the dumpster and soiled dishes are clean.
  4. No lines/towels are lost, stolen, or damaged.
  5. The key is returned and home is left locked.
  6. The Tenant (or any of the Tenant’s visitors) is not evicted by the owner or representative of the owner of the owner or the local law enforcement.

Any reservation obtained under false pretense will be subject to forfeiture of advance payment, deposit and/or rental money, and the party will not be permitted to check – in.


A Two weeks (14) day written notice is required for cancellation. Cancellations that are made less than (14) days prior to the Check – in Date will forfeit the full damage/reservation deposit with refund of any additional prepaid rental amount received. Cancellation or changes that result in shortened stay, or are made within (7) days of the Check – in date forfeit the full advance payment and damage/reservation deposit with refund of any additional pre-paid rental amount received. Cancellation or early departure does not warrant any refund or deposit.


It is expected that major systems in and around the property/unit will break down from time to time such as air conditioning, washer, dryer, refrigerator, etc. The Company will attempt to repair the problem as soon as possible upon notice by the Tenant. The Company assumes no liability to the Tenant is such should occur as all products have a useful life and break down occasionally.


The Company must be notified immediately if you discover any item that needs attention.


Tenant agrees to abide by the Rental Unit Rules attached as Exhibit A at all times while at the property and shall cause all members of the rental party and anyone else the Tenant permits on the property to abide by the rules at all times while at the property.


All occupants are required to perform “Normal” household duties that include, but are not limited to:

*Garbage removal

*Cleaning of individual and guest dishes

*Notification to Owner of any damages or problems with the property

*Locking all the doors when the Tenant leaves the property/unit.


Access to the property is provided by key. The Tenant agrees to return the set of keys after departure. All extra sets of keys should be left on the kitchen counter. Failure to return the set of keys after departure will result in a $20 key replacement fee deducted from the security deposit for each key needing replacement.

      1. No pets, reptiles, aquatic species or animals are allowed to be kept in or about the Premises or in any common areas in the Building containing the Premises. 
      2. The Company covenants that on paying the rent and performing the covenants contained in this Agreement, the Tenant will peacefully and quietly have, hold, and enjoy the Premises for the agreed term.
      3. The Tenant will promptly notify the Company of any damage, or of any situation that may significantly interfere with the normal use of the Premises. 
      4. The Tenant will not make (or allow to be made) any noise or nuisance which, in the reasonable opinion of the Company, disturbs the comfort or convenience of other tenants. 

This lease is non-recourse in that in connection with this Lease, Tenant may only seek damages against the Premises, and not against the Landlord, other than for gross negligence or intentional torts.


Upon departure, the Departure Checklist attached as EXHIBIT B must be completed and left on the kitchen counter. The security refund will be issued after the owner has received the checklist and inspected the property/unit. In addition, please feel free to leave your comments or suggestions in our guest book.


Under no circumstances shall any illegal drugs be allowed on the property. The Tenant understands that possession and use of any such substance is grounds for immediate eviction and forfeiture of payment. The Tenant further waives any and all rights to recourse against the owner for enforcing the clause


The premise is a non-smoking property. No smoking is allowed inside of the condo whatsoever. Any Tenant or their guests not adhering to the NO SMOKING policy shall automatically forfeite security deposit. 

    1. Tenant acknowledges that it inspected the Premises, including the grounds and all buildings and improvements, and that they are, at the time of the execution of this Lease, in good order, good repair, safe, clean, and tenantable condition.
    2. The Company employees and/or representatives may, upon issuance of a 24 hour notice, enter the Premises at any time and from time to time, including without limitation:
  1. for the protection or preservation of the Premises
  2. For the purpose of repairing the Premises
  3. To inspect the Premises; or
  4. To exhibit the Premises to prospective or actual purchasers, mortgagees, tenants, workers, or contractors.

The Tenant is hereby advised and understands that the personal property of the Tenant is not insured by the Company for either damage or loss, and the Company assumes no liability for any such loss. The Tenant is advised that, if insurance coverage is desired by the Tenant, the Tenant should inquire of Tenant’s insurance agent regarding a Tenant’s policy of insurance.


The Tenant may be responsible and liable to the Company for damages in excess of the security deposit for any damage or loss caused by the Tenant or its guest.


Failure to comply with any of the foregoing clauses and overall rules established by the Company will subject you to immediate removal from property/unit and forfeiture of all rental payments and security deposits. If the Tenant fails for vacate the premises at the end of the rental period prescribed in this agreement, the Tenant shall be charged and liable to the Company for $300 per day for every day past the date and time specified in this agreement.


Any exceptions to the above mentioned policies must be approved in writing in advance.


Tenants may not assign or sublease all or any part of the Premises without prior written notice/consent from the Company.


This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of _________ [State/Country]. Exclusive jurisdiction and venue shall be in __________ [State/Country]


COMPANY: _____________     ________________________________               ______________

                        (SIGNATURE)                  (PRINT NAME)                                            (DATE)

TENANT: _____________        ___________________________________           _____________

                   (SIGNATURE)                      (PRINT NAME)                                               (DATE)

____________________________________                __________________________________

(EMAIL)                                                                                             (HOME PHONE)

____________________________________                 __________________________________

(CELLPHONE)                                                                                   (BUSINESS PHONE)

Person to Contact in case of an emergency

Name: ___________________________________

Phone: ___________________________________

Relationship: ______________________________

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