The Claimant and Respondent were married for several years. They then both agreed on having
four kids and jointly take care of them. The Claimant and Respondent then homeschooled the
children in XXX while living in JB. The Claimant styed home since the year XXX taking care of
the home. However, later on, the marriage broke owing to poor communication. The Claimant
and Respondent were even counselled by friends, church leaders and professionally but the
marriage had broken down irretrievably. The Claimant often complained of the Respondent not
giving her and the kids adequate support.
According to the Claimant, the Respondent was a good dad to the children at their young age.
However, at seven years old, the Respondent began being verbally abusive. Even then, the
Respondent never brought up divorce. It is not until XXX when he did. Earlier in
XXX, the Claimant thought she had depression though she as yet to be diagnosed with the
condition. She could hardly carry on with her life normally.
In XXX, the Claimant attended a transformational course where she had a mental breakthrough.
She even went back to work. The Respondent had initially undertaken to cater for grocery and
home schooling of the kids. He took the majority of the family funds and the four cars. The main
reason the Claimant moved to JB is to save as much as possible finances for the kids as opposed
to personal gain.
The Claimant agreed to work in the oil and gas industry to take care of some of the bills. The
Respondent agreed to homeschool the kids. Despite the preceding favorable arrangement, the
Respondent started picking on the Claimant insisting she was part of a cult and had been
brainwashed. The Respondent also accused the Claimant of being demeaning, unforgiving and
unreasonable. He at one time hit the Claimant and told the kids to either choose him or their
uneducated mother. The Respondent also insulted the Claimant’s mother for poorly raising her.
The Claimant then left JB with her kids. In response to this, the Respondent contacted the
Claimant’s boss claiming that the Claimant was suicidal. The boss, being pregnant, had health
issues as a result of the news and resulted in the Claimant’s contract not being renewed for non-
performance. This is despite the Claimant demonstrating good performance in the first month by
getting them Nanyang tentage. In the second month, she got more than 20FNB, for instance old
XXXX. The Claimant also got F1 in the third month.
The Respondent ruined the Claimant’s life just to prove that she was brainwashed. Thus the
Claimant never went back to JB and chose to stay in SG. The Claimant and Respondent then
separated despite the Respondent apologizing. The Respondent then hacked the Claimant’s
account and threatened to delete her Facebook account. He also posted lies about the Claimant
on social media.
The Respondent also mistreated his children. For instance, the kids once consumed chilli and
they vomited and he compelled them to take back their vomit. The Claimant then took a ppo on
him and denied him custody of the kids. The Respondent even admitted in court that he was
mistreating the kids. Ever since the separation, the Respondent has refused to maintain the kids
or visit them.
Between XXX, the Claimant has been maintaining the kids on her own.
She even became a taxi driver and took up other odd jobs just to see to it that her kids were
maintained. The Claimant also hardly had any time with her kids owing to her busy schedule.
However, since the kids are being home schooled they are independent. Nonetheless, someone
complained that the children were neglected and they were taken to a children’s home on 14 th
February 2020. This coincided with the Claimant’s first day of work in Marquee. The kids were
taken from the Claimant without any court order or summon hence bizarre. The complainants
claimed that by doing so, they were aiding the Claimant secure work for two months and
unburden her of taking care of the kids. Further, that the children were already in the system of
child protection and the Claimant had to work for two years to have them taken out of the
The Claimant then returned to JB but she was not financially stable. Resultantly, she sought FAS
as well as legal aid. Later, the Respondent emailed the Claimant stating that he wanted a divorce
and asked her to send him the divorce letter since she had easier access to legal help. The
Respondent also asked the Claimant to include granting the Claimant hdb and custody of the
kids. Since this was uncontested, the Claimant agreed to the same. After the Respondent received
the divorce letter, he began contesting everything. The FJC for the Claimant resulted in a divorce
case since he refused to give.
In XXX, with the ppo in place, the Respondent entered the Claimant’s room and took a
photo of the unkempt room. The Claimant attributes this to the trauma she underwent after she
was robbed of her kids. The Respondent also stole photos from the Claimant’s belongings and
fabricated lies about the Claimant being promiscuous. The Respondent also displayed photos of
wine, sex toys, condoms and innerwear under the Claimant’s bed. He also wrote lies in the 200
pages of his affidavit from marriage to XXX omitting the happenings of XXX Further, the
Respondent only showcased the photographs of him displaying affection to the kids and being a
good dad.
Moreover, the judge missed the timeline since she insisted that the children were the main cause
of the divorce. She ignored the fact that the children were yanked away from the Claimant hence
not connected to the divorce. When the hbd sales proceeds were remitted, the Claimant lost her
legal aid. However, the Respondent continued to have access to legal aid.
The Respondent also lied about his income in his affidavit. The Claimant was also unable to pin
him down with a beach of the ppo. While the Respondent got away with various things, the
Claimant has struggled to gain her ground despite not being afforded wife maintenance. The
Claimant is currently walking around with no money and no custody of her kids hence
psychological torture. The preceding state has even aggravated to people questioning her
The Claimant has undergone a lot of torture with the Respondent getting past government bodies
with his lies. The Respondent has been taking all the rental money. Despite the Claimant asking
him to let her stay he adamantly refused. The Claimant’s boyfriend finally aided her. The
Respondent claimed that he wanted to pay for the kb house and months later declared himself
financially unfit to pay for the JB house and asked the Claimant to contribute. The Respondent
now intends to sell the house in JB and the Claimant is unable to get legal aid.
Currently, the Claimant is spending all her money on housing. The Respondent has constantly
complained of the inadequacy of the penthouse the Claimant selected yet it was the cheapest
alternative for her to seek homage. Despite the Respondent fighting for custody for the kids, the
Claimant has bot been able to entirely pay for the maintenance of the kids. Moreover, the
Claimant has suffered emotional damage for having to begin her life from scratch and maintain
the kids without the Respondent’s assistance.
Section 3(1) of the Protection from Harassment Act XXX provides as follows: “An individual or
entity must not, with intent to cause harassment, alarm or distress to another person (called in
this section the target person), by any means – (a) use any threatening, abusive, or insulting
words or behaviour, (b) make any threatening, abusive or insulting communication , or (c)
publish any identity information of the target person or a related person of the target person, and
as a result causing the target person or any other person (each called in this section the victim)
harassment, alarm or distress.”
Section 4(1) of the Protection from Harassment Act 2014 provides as follows: “An individual or
entity must not by any means – (a) use any threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour;
or (b) make any threatening, abusive or insulting communication, which is heard, seen or
otherwise perceived by any person (called in this section the victim) likely to be caused
harassment, alarm or distress.”
Section 5(1) of the Protection from Harassment Act XXX provides as follows: “An individual or
entity must not by any means use towards another person (called in this section, except
subsection 1A, the victim) any threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or make any
threatening, abusive or insulting communication to another person (also called in this section,
except subsection 1A, the victim), either – (a) with the intent – (i) to cause the victim to believe
that unlawful violence will be used by any person against the victim or any other person; or (ii)
to provoke the use of unlawful violence by the victim or another person against any other person;
or (b) whereby – (i) the victim is likely to believe that such violence mentioned in paragraph
(a)(i) will be used; or (ii) it is likely that such violence mentioned in paragraph (a)(ii) will be
The Respondent started being verbally abusive seven years into the marriage. The Respondent
then hacked the Claimant’s account and threatened to delete her Facebook account. He also
posted lies about the Claimant on social media. The Respondent also mistreated his children. For
instance, the kids once consumed chilli and they vomited and he compelled them to take back
their vomit.
The foregoing actions constitute violation of Sections 3, 4 and 5 of the Protection from
Harassment Act 2014, for which the Claimant should be awarded damages.
REASONS WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, the Claimant respectfully requests this
Honorable Court to grant her the following reliefs:
a. GRANT judgment in the Claimant’s favour and against the Respondent;
b. AWARD damages to the Claimant for intentionally causing harassment, alarm or
distress, harassment, alarm or distress, and fear, provocation or facilitation of violence;
c. AWARD the Claimant punitive damages;
d. AWARD the Claimant costs of this suit;
e. AWARD the Claimant such equitable relief as this Court deems fair; and
f. AWARD the Claimant such further relief as this Court deems proper.
Dated this ___ day of XXXX.
Respectfully Submitted,
Claimant in pro per
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