The purpose of this policy is to maximize the effectiveness of tutoring by highlighting policies necessary for a well-organized institution of learning for the tutor, the tutee and the institution. The tutors will be responsible for providing tutoring instructions. However, they are also expected to provide a favorable environment for the learners. This will in turn boost the confidence of learners and increase competence upon the development of a positive approach to learning.


  1. Best interest

Tutors will be committed to acting in the best interest of tutees as specified by the employing organization

  1. Responsibility

Tutors will take responsibility for their own behavior and work to resolve conflicts that may arise between themselves and a client.

  1. Integrity

Tutors will practice and promote accuracy, honesty and truthfulness 

  1. Fairness

Tutors will exercise reasonable judgment and take precautions to ensure that their potential biases, the boundaries of their competence, and the limitations of their expertise do not lead to or condone unjust practices

  1. Commitment

Tutors will fulfill commitments made to learners

  1. Respect for others rights and dignity

Tutors will respect the dignity and worth of all people and the rights of individuals to privacy, confidentiality and self-determination.

  1. Excellence

Tutors will strive to maintain excellence by continuing to improve their tutoring skills and engage in applicable professional development activities 

  1. Respect for individual differences 

Tutors will respect cultural, individual and role difference, including those based on age, sex, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language and social economic statuses.

  1. Professionalism

Tutors will not engage in inappropriate relations with tutees.

Confidentiality Policy

For the purposes of this section, ‘‘Confidential information’’ means, but not limited to, any information regarding the Principal’s and/or the institution’s business methods, business policies, procedures, techniques, client list, client information (including names, address and any other information pertaining to each client), research or development projects or results, sales information of any kind, trade secrets or other knowledge possessed by the principal/instution which is not generally known by individuals outside of the principal(including the Principal’s Tutors, consultants and advisors.)

 For so long as the tutor operates on the Principal’s/Institution tutoring platform, the tutor shall not disclose or communicate any information which is considered ‘‘Confidential Information’’ of the Principal/ institution to any person or entity other than the Principal nor use the ‘‘Confidential information’’ for any purpose or reason other than the benefit of The Principal/ Institution. 

Tutors will maintain the highest privacy standards in terms of protecting personal information relative to those who they tutor. 

Non-compete policy

The Tutor understands not to solicit personal tutoring sessions with the tutee obtained through the Principal’s tutoring platform and/or request the tutee to pay them directly. In other words, The Tutor understands not to ask the tutee to pay them in lieu of paying the Principal. In particular, the Principal could at all times conduct an investigation on The Tutor and if The Tutor is found to have knowingly tutored and/or serviced the tutee without paying the Principal, The Tutor’s contract will be immediately terminated and The Tutor must pay for any liquidated damages as calculated by the Principal for the violation of this clause. Failure to pay for these liquidated damages could result in legal actions to be taken against The Tutor.

Employment Policies/ Expectations

All tutors will adhere to policies and procedures as identified in the ‘‘Code of Ethics and Confidentiality’’.

  1. All tutors should always be prepared for each session. They are expected to bring any course related materials that will enhance the tutoring session. If there is any material the tutor is not familiar with, the tutor should seek the assistance of another tutor, and / or OLS Staff. If the tutor needs time to seek help from the faculty or instructor, the tutor should make sure they contact the student with the information.
  2. The tutor should meet with the faculty members teaching the course for extra materials and information. The tutor is not allowed to disclose any information about the student they are working with. Any student inquiries should be referred to the OLS Director or another professional OLS staff member.
  3. All questions and concerns about tutoring services should be directed to an OLS Staff member.

Attendance Policy and Scheduling policy

All tutors are expected to attend their lessons when required to.

Tutors are required to contact the institution via email or any other channel provided by the institution to discuss any changes in their schedules. This includes absences, rescheduled appointments and /or requests for additional hours. 

Tutors are required to contact their tutees to cancel a scheduled tutoring session when deemed appropriate.

Tutees who do not arrive to their scheduled session within 15 minutes of the start time will we considered ‘‘no shows’’. Tutors swipe out at 15 minute time mark when tutee is a no show. Kindly inform the secretary, graduate or desk assistant on duty.


All questions and concerns about tutoring services should be directed to an OLS staff member.


Contact us on: [Email Address etc.]


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