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Motion to Compel Supplementation of Excerpts of Record

Service Description


A Motion to Compel Supplementation of Excerpts of Record is a formal request to the court, asking for additional documents or information to be added to the record to ensure all relevant materials are considered.


Before proceeding with this motion, it’s necessary to review the court’s rules and guidelines concerning supplementation of the record, and comprehend the specific procedures to request additional materials.

How to Draft:

  • Begin with a clear statement requesting the supplementation of excerpts of the record.
  • Provide a detailed explanation of the specific documents or information that are missing from the record, and why they are crucial for the court to consider.
  • If possible, attach copies of the documents you are requesting to be added to the record.
  • Comply with the court’s specific rules regarding format and content for the motion.


Once the motion is prepared, file it with the court clerk, and pay any required fees. Serve copies to all involved parties as per court rules. The court will then review the motion and make a decision based on its merits.


Filing a Motion to Compel Supplementation of Excerpts of Record is a vital step to ensure a comprehensive and fair representation of the case before the court. By thoroughly understanding the court’s requirements, meticulously preparing your motion, and following the proper filing procedures, you increase your chances of having the motion granted, thereby fortifying your position in the legal proceedings.