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“Guidelines for Drafting a Statement of Points on Appeal in Legal Proceedings”

Service Description


A Statement of Points on Appeal is a legal document filed in appellate court cases, which outlines the specific points or issues that the appellant wishes the appellate court to review. This document is essential in the appeals process as it directs the court’s attention to the perceived errors or issues in the lower court’s decision.


The need for a Statement of Points on Appeal arises when a party decides to challenge a decision made by a lower court. It is a required document in many appellate procedures and serves to inform the court and the opposing party of the specific aspects of the case being contested.

How to Draft

To draft a Statement of Points on Appeal:

  1. Case Identification: Start with the case name, appellate court name, and the case number.
  2. List of Points: Clearly enumerate the points or issues you are appealing. Each point should be concise and directly related to an alleged error or issue in the trial court’s proceedings or decision.
  3. Legal Basis for Each Point: For each listed point, briefly state the legal basis or reason why you believe the trial court’s decision was incorrect. Reference specific laws, statutes, or case law.
  4. Factual Background: Provide a brief factual background necessary to understand the context of the points being raised.
  5. Objective of the Appeal: Articulate what you are asking the appellate court to do – for example, reverse the lower court’s decision, remand the case for a new trial, or modify the court’s order.
  6. Signature and Date: Sign and date the statement. If you are represented by an attorney, they will typically sign the document.


File the Statement of Points on Appeal with the appellate court, adhering to the court’s filing deadlines and procedures. Serve a copy on the opposing party or their attorney.


A Statement of Points on Appeal is a fundamental document in the appellate process, framing the scope of the appeal and focusing the appellate court’s review. Precise drafting and timely filing are critical to effectively argue your case on appeal and challenge the lower court’s decision.