This SERVICE AGREEMENT (‘’this Agreement’’) is entered into between [NAME] of address [ADDRESS] (“the developer/Contractor”) and [NAME] of address [ADDRESS] (“Client”) on [DATE] (‘‘Effective Date’’)


WHEREAS, this agreement is made for the purpose of completing a software product

Now, therefore, in consideration of the foregoing premises, and of the mutual promises and covenants herein contained, the parties, intending to be legally bound, do hereby agree as follows:

  • The Client hereby appoints the Contractor to render the agreed service. The Contractor shall commence performance of the Services on the date first signed below, and shall continue until completion of the Services unless this Agreement is sooner terminated by the terms as set forth herein.
  • The service to be provided to the client is _____ [Specify the service to be given to the client. Give a clear description]
  • In consideration for the services to be performed by the Contractor, the Client agrees to pay the Contractor under the terms of this Agreement.
  • The Contractor shall be paid in the following way;

Total payment due on the project is US$2000.00.

Payments will be made in three terms: 

  1. $750 upon submission of completed milestones, One which includes completions and testing of 50% of current bugs identified, tested and passed final testing.
  2. $550.00 for milestone 2 for completion of 40% of all reported bugs, tested and passed. 
  3. $700 upon completion of remaining 10% of reported bugs and any other bugs reported, tested and completed. This will also include completion of all remaining modules as stated in the requirement documents.

  • Either Party to this Agreement may terminate this Agreement upon a written notice of termination to the other Party. Unless otherwise mutually agreed to in writing, upon the termination of this Agreement, any arrangement for Services then in effect will immediately terminate.
  • Grounds for immediate termination include but not limited to;
  •  failure to meet deadlines 
  • Failure to submit milestones on time
  • failure to push codes weekly to required repository
  • Poor performance or refusal to perform obligations under this contract.
  • TERM

This Agreement shall be operative from the date of execution of this Agreement and shall run until the completion of the Services or until the Agreement is terminated according to this Agreement.


Nothing contained in this Contract will be construed to create an employer and employee relationship between the Contractor and the Client. The Client and the contractor agree that the Contractor is, and at all times during this Contract shall remain, an independent contractor.


The Client shall indemnify and hold the Contractor harmless for any loss or liability arising from performing services under this agreement. 


Except as otherwise specifically agreed in writing by the Contractor and the Client, any dispute relating to any rights and/ or obligations arising from this Agreement which is not resolved by the parties shall be adjudicated by any court of competent jurisdiction.


This contract represents the entire agreement between the two parties and supersedes any previous written or oral agreement. This agreement may be modified at any time, provided there is written consent of both the Client and the Contractor. 


The parties agree that if any portion of this contract is found to be void or unenforceable, it shall be struck from the record and the remaining provisions will retain their full force and effect.


This contract shall be governed, interpreted, and construed in accordance with the laws of [STATE/PROVINCE]

In Witness Whereof, this Agreement is duly executed by the duly authorized representatives of the parties as set forth below:


___________________________________ ___________________________

Developer’s Official Signature Date


___________________________________ ___________________________

Client’s Signature Date


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