Jordan Chamberlain,

4 Kennet Close,



GU 14 9NN


11th February 2021


Clive Wolman

Counsel for Saracen

Thomas More Chambers

DX 90 LDE Chancery Lane


RE: RESPONSE TO LETTER BEFORE ACTION: Saracen Group v Jordan Chamberlain


Dear Mr. Wolman,


I am writing this letter in response to your letter before action. In your letter, you advised me to do a few things including pulling down the review. After much consideration, I have decided to take your advice. However, it is important to note that this letter is not an admission of liability or culpability of any kind.

In as much as I believe what I posted is true, I will pull down the review I posted and the rating I gave. I apologize to Saracen for my actions. I withdraw any negative statements about the company that I made to Mr. Docherty. I also promise not to post anything about Saracen on Google My Business or any other platform. 

Moving forward, I hope there will be no civil action regarding this issue. I look forward to hearing from you.




Jordan Chamberlain

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