Reference is made to the above matter and to your email sent on the [insert date]

I wish to respond as herein below;

I was employed by Dollar General on the [insert date] as a [insert position] up until recently
when the decision to separate from Dollar General was made. For the 7 years that I have been
an employee of Dollar General, I have been a diligent worker, performing my duties
professionally and with utmost integrity.

I wish to state that I recently suffered financial constraints and mental anguish and distress due
to harassment, discrimination and retaliation as against me at Dollar General. the work place
that led me to suffer financial constraints and mental anguish. Despite my raising complaints
regarding the said issues with the relevant Authorities within Dollar General, no one has
responded to my claims to investigate my complaints, and it appears things are being swept
under the rug and going unaddressed.

Accordingly, my strict, unequivocal and concise requests are to plead from you, which I hereby
do, your immediate admission of fault in the matter, severance pay which is equal to $[insert
amount], unpaid vacation which is equal to $[insert amount]. Take Notice that unless the
aforesaid requests are met, I shall not be amenable to signing the said separation agreement.

Kind Regards,

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