This Residential Lease Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and entered on Insert Date of Signing Agreement (the “Effective Date”) by and between Damir Yarullin (the “Landlord”) and Kishchuk Ilya (the “Tenant”).

Subject to the terms and conditions stated below, the parties agree as follows:

  • Property. Landlord, in consideration of the lease payments provided in this Agreement, leases to Tenant an apartment located at 285 Uptown Blvd Apartment 115, Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 (the “Property). No other portion of the building, wherein the Property is located is included unless expressly provided for in this Agreement.
  • Term. This Agreement will begin on February 15, 2021 (the “Start Date”) and will terminate on May 16, 2021 (the “Termination Date”).

Tenant will vacate the Property upon termination of the Agreement, unless: (i) Landlord and Tenant have extended this Agreement in writing or signed a new agreement; (ii) mandated by local rent control law; or (iii) Landlord accepts Rent from Tenant (other than past due Rent), in which case a month-to-month tenancy will be created which either party may terminate by Tenant giving Landlord written notice of at least 15 days prior to the desired termination date, or by Landlord giving Tenant written notice as provided by law. Rent will be at a rate agreed to by Landlord and Tenant, or as allowed by law. All other terms and conditions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect.

  • Management. The Tenant is hereby notified that Damir Yarullin is the property manager of the Property. Should the Tenant have any issues or concerns, the Tenant may contact Damir Yarullin by one of the methods below:

Address: 4619 Cason Cove Dr Unit 1015, Orlando, Florida 32811-6655

Phone Number:


  • Rent. Tenant will pay to Landlord rent in the amount of $950.00 (the “Rent”), payable in advance on the Insert Day day of each month, and is delinquent on the next day. If that day falls on a weekend or legal holiday, the rent is due on the next business day. For the month of February 2021, Tenant will pay $475.00 only. There will be no rent increases through the initial term of the lease. Landlord may increase the rent that will be paid during any month-to-month renewal period by providing at least 30 days’ written notice to Tenant.

Payments can be made by using cash or checks. Tenant agrees to submit rent payments by either cash or checks. In the event of roommates, or another form of joint or multiple occupancy, Tenant will be responsible for collecting payment from all parties and submitting a single payment to Landlord. Tenant is responsible for any payment made by mail and not received by the due date stated herein. Mailed payments must be received on or before the due date. If the first month of the lease is a partial month, rent payments will be pro-rated at the rate of 1/30th of the monthly rent payment per day. No pro-rated rent shall be accepted at any other time. 

  • Late Payments. For any payment that is not paid within Insert Days days after its due date, Tenant must pay a late fee in the amount of $38.00. The late fee is a cost associated with the collection of rent and the Landlord’s acceptance of a late charge does not waive Landlord’s right to exercise remedies under the “Default” section of this Agreement.
  • Failure to Pay. Tenant is hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on Tenant’s credit history may be submitted to a credit reporting agency if Tenant fails to fulfil the terms of their credit obligations, such as their financial obligations under the terms of this Agreement.
  • Occupants. The only person(s) who may live on the Property during the term of this Agreement is Kishchuk Ilya. No more than Insert Number of Persons person(s) may reside on the Property unless the prior written consent of Landlord is obtained. Tenant may have guests on the Property for not over Insert Number of Days consecutive days or Insert Number of Days days in a calendar year, and no more than two guests per bedroom at any one time. Persons staying more than Insert Number of Days consecutive days or more than Insert Number of Days days in a calendar year will NOT be considered original occupants of the Property. Tenant is not required to disclose to Landlord when guests stay at the Property fewer than Insert Number of Days consecutive days or Insert Number of Days days in a calendar year, but Tenant must obtain the prior written approval of Landlord if an invitee of Tenant will be present at the Property for more than Insert Number of Days consecutive days or Insert Number of Days days in a calendar year.
  • Default. Tenant will be in default of this Agreement if Tenant fails to comply with any material provisions of this Agreement by which Tenant is bound. Subject to any governing provisions of law to the contrary, if Tenant fails to cure any financial obligation (or any other obligation) after written notice of such default is provided by Landlord to Tenant, Landlord may elect to cure such default and the cost of action will be added to Tenant’s financial obligations under this Agreement. All sums of money or charges required to be paid by Tenant under this Agreement will be additional rent, whether or not such sums or charges are designated as additional rent. The rights provided by this paragraph are cumulative in nature and are in addition to any other rights afforded by law. 

Should either Landlord or Tenant fail to fulfil their responsibilities under this Agreement or need to determine whether there has been a default of the Agreement, refer to Part II, Chapter 83, entitled Florida Residential Landlord and Tenant Act which contains information on defaults and remedies.

  • Prohibited Acts by Landlord. Landlord is prohibited from taking certain actions as described in Chapter 83, Section 67 of the Florida Statutes, the provisions of which can be found in the attachment to this Agreement.
  • Damage to Property. If the Property is damaged or destroyed as to render it unhabitable, then either Landlord or Tenant will have the right to terminate this Agreement as of the date on which such damage occurs, through written notice to the other party to be given within 20 days of occurrence of such damage. However, if such damage should occur as the result of the conduct or negligence of Tenants or Tenants’ guests or invitees, Landlord will have the right to terminate the lease, after giving Tenant seven days’ written notice, and Tenants will be responsible for all losses, including, but not limited to, damage and repair costs as well as loss of rental income.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Landlord and Tenant have executed this Agreement in the manner prescribed by law as of the effective date.



By: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________________________

       Damir Yarullin

       4619 Cason Cove Dr Unit 1015

       Orlando, Florida 32811-6655



By: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________________________

       Kishchuk Ilya

       211 Ferryboat CT

       Orlando, Florida 32828

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