This Release of Liability and Litigation Waiver Agreement has been made on this ______ Day of __________ 2021 and reads as follows:

I ______________________, Contact Info: Address: __________________________, Phone: _____________________________being the client and/or customer of _____________________, Contact Info: Address: ____________________________ Phone: ________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “Company”) with operations in ___________________ [City/Town] in the State of ______________ USA hereby declare:

I understand and hold the Company and all its employees, agents, and associates blameless and shall defend and indemnify them against any and all liability claims and/or litigation that may arise from my contract and/or understanding that the Company and the Company’s employees provide me drone services including but not limited to photography and/or videography in my home, office, or establishment.

I understand that I shall not claim or demand refunds for payments made for the services provided by the Company and that in case of any disputes related to the Company’s work including but not limited to property damage and/or loss, the Company shall not be held responsible unless such incidences are as direct negligence by the Company’s, and this shall be covered by the Company’s insurance. 

I waive my rights to litigations. I acknowledge and agree that all disputes arising from the performance of the Company’s services to me shall be resolved through mediation.

It has been agreed that my private information as shall be provided to the Company shall not be shared with a third party and/or the public without my express consent, unless such information is used for insurance purposes, and shall be retained for as long as possible to fulfill that purpose.

I ______________________________, being the owner/employee of the drone business herein referred to as the Company, understand the occupational risks associated with the services I offer and hence I shall be responsible for taking caution while at work. I shall not hold the client responsible for any injuries sustained while working unless such injuries are as a direct result of the Client’s negligence. I shall hold the Client blameless and indemnify him/her against any liability claims and/or litigation that may arise due to injuries.

I have carefully read and I understand the provisions in this Release/Waiver Form and I freely, knowingly, and voluntarily sign;

DATE: __________________

NAME: ___________________________    SIGNATURE: _________________________

COMPANY’S PRINT NAME: ________________________. DATE ____________________.

SIGNATURE __________________________.

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