Recruiting Services Agreement 

This Agreement is made as of [enter date] between [NAME OF RECRUITMENT AGENCY] (the ‘‘agency’’) and [NAME OF COMPANY] (the “Company”)

Whereas, the company has hired the agency to recruit candidates on their behalf through direct hire,

Whereas, the agency will source, recruit, review and present potential candidates to the Company

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, and of the mutual promises and undertakings herein contained, the parties, intending to be legally bound, do agree as follows:

  • Service Guarantee 
      1. The agency offers guarantee in respect of the placed candidates based on the plan that the Company picks. 
      2. For instance, or a 30 day guarantee, 10% of the candidate’s annual growth shall be remitted to the agency. For a 45 day guarantee, 15% of the candidate’s annual growth shall be remitted to the agency. 
      3. The company chooses ________________________ plan for the purposes of this recruitment. [STATE ALL THE INFORMATION ON THE PLAN PICKED BY THE COMPANY]
  • Timing 

Our initial search and identification of prospective candidates is usually completed within 7 to 14 days. Our screening/interview process, leading to the presentation of a candidate short list, is also usually completed within 7 to 14 days. We will however, at the outset of each assignment provide an estimated time frame for completion. 

  • Confidentiality

All searches carried out by the agency are performed according to the highest standards of professionalism and confidentiality. Confidential information divulged to us, in many cases is vital to our ability to locate the best possible candidate; we respect this information and conversely request that you treat any candidate or general information provided by us with the same level of confidentiality. 

  • Payment of Fees 

The Company must pay to the agency fees for recruitment services plus any Business Tax within seven (7) days before the agency starts looking for the candidates.

  • Terms and Conditions 
  • In accepting these terms we request that you notify us immediately should you accept one of our candidates. 
  • Though we conduct thorough candidate background checks, it is the Company’s ultimate responsibility to verify the candidate’s suitability for a position. As such, the agency cannot be held liable for any loss or damages which the Company may suffer as a result of the introduction of a candidate to your company unless it is caused by the agency’s fault or negligence. 
  • These Terms and Conditions of Business shall be deemed to be effective upon execution by both parties and shall be valid until terminated pursuant to the provisions hereof. 
  • Any Party may, at its sole discretion without assigning any reason or without incurring any liability whatsoever to the other party, terminate these Terms and Conditions after giving one (1) month’s written notice. 
  • No variation can be made to these Terms and Conditions without the mutual written agreement of the agency and the Company 
  • These Terms and Conditions of Business constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter and supersede any other Terms and all previous oral and written agreements, understandings and communications of the Parties in respect of the subject matter.
  • Governing laws

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed and enforces in accordance with the laws of [STATE/PROVINCE/COUNTRY], excluding its principles of conflicts of law. 

  • Acknowledgement and Acceptance 

I have read the attached letter and standard Terms and Conditions, and accept the proposal for Recruitment Services by [NAME OF THE AGENCY]




Name in Print: ___________________________________ 

Title: _________________________________________ 

Date: _________________________________________

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